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Справедливая Россия强调
一般 Fair Russia (партия: A Fair Russia is currently the smallest of the four parliamentary groups in the State Duma, with 38 MPs. ...The outgoing parliament, or State Duma, is dominated by Mr Putin's party, with seats also held by the Communist Party, the nationalist Liberal Democrats and the social-democratic Fair Russia. BBC – АД); A Just Russia (This leaves nine questions from the three oppositional factions – A Just Russia, Liberal Democrats and the Communists – that Putin will answer "not knowing them in advance," Peskov was quoted as saying. A Just Russia, a left-leaning party created with the Kremlin's backing, and the ultranationalist Liberal Democrats tend to toe the government line, leaving the Communists as the only substantial parliamentary opposition and so the most likely to ask unpleasant questions....Ilya Ponomaryov, a Duma deputy for A Just Russia who took part in the protests, said the scale of support on Facebook was proof that previously passive people were suddenly becoming politically active.TMT Alexander Demidov); Fair Russia (партия: A Fair Russia is currently the smallest of the four parliamentary groups in the State Duma, with 38 MPs. ...The outgoing parliament, or State Duma, is dominated by Mr Putin's party, with seats also held by the Communist Party, the nationalist Liberal Democrats and the social-democratic Fair Russia. BBC Alexander Demidov)
政治 just Russia (Ilya Ponomaryov, a Duma deputy with the Kremlin-friendly Just Russia party, suggested that Lebedev was probably just trying to protect his business. – Once in the Duma, he joined United Russia but later left it for A Just Russia, which was created by a merger of Rodina and two other parties for the 2007 Duma elections. TMT (also NYT). The case against Udaltsov follows criminal allegations made against two other prominent figures involved in organizing large-scale opposition protests over the last 10 months: anti-corruption lawyer Alexei Navalny and former State Duma Deputy Gennady Gudkov of A Just Russia. TMT)
"Справедливая Россия"
政治 A Just Russia (партия ybelov)
Справедливая Россия: 2 短语, 1 学科