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一般 emerge; get by; get off with a whole skin; be off the hook (Anglophile); escape with a whole skin (Anglophile); fall on one's feet (Anglophile); get away clean (Дмитрий_Р); come clear of; fall on one's legs; come off clear; come unscathed out of the battle; waltz away from it (grafleonov); walk between the raindrops (DocGallifrey); come out clean; save one's bacon; get away with it (Aly19)
Gruzovik, 具象的 come through unscathed; get away with murder
具象的, 非正式的 come through unscathed
惯用语 come out of something smelling of roses (By reporting his colleagues as soon as he learned of their dishonest business practices, the CEO came out smelling of roses. Anglophile); fall on someone's feet (vkhanin); get away with (Taras); get away scot-free (Andrey Truhachev); beat the rap (VLZ_58); come out smelling like a rose (Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you swim in a lake of shit and come out smelling like a rose. VLZ_58); get away soot-free (4uzhoj); home and dry (cnlweb)
澳大利亚表达 keep out of the rain (igisheva)
美国人 get away; go in when it rains (igisheva)
谚语 come off unscathed; come off with a whole skin; come out dry; smell like a rose (VL$HE13N1K); come off cheap; come out with clean hands
陈词滥调 get out of the rain (igisheva)
非正式的 get off scot-free (В.И.Макаров)
马卡罗夫 get clear of; go scot-free; bluff it out; get away with murder; get clear away; get off scotfree; go scotfree; emerge unscathed
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 get off
выйти сухим из воды: 5 短语, 2 学科