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maniac ['meɪnɪæk] 名词强调
Gruzovik маниачка (маньячка); маньячка; маниак (= маньяк)
一般 маньяк; одержимый; компонент сложных слов (-maniac); в русском языке соответствует компоненту -ман; безумец (SirReal)
Gruzovik, 精神病学 одержимый
医疗的 больной с маниакальным синдромом
非正式的 электронная счётно-решающая машина (possibly from: The MANIAC I (Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator and Automatic Computer Model I) was an early computer built under the direction of Nicholas Metropolis at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. It was based on the von Neumann architecture of the IAS, developed by John von Neumann. As with all computers of its era, it was a one-of-a-kind machine that could not exchange programs with other computers (even the several other machines based on the IAS). Metropolis chose the name MANIAC in the hope of stopping the rash of silly acronyms for machine names, although von Neumann may have suggested the name to him. wikipedia.org)
马卡罗夫 компьютер; разжигающий атомную истерию
maniac ['meɪnɪæk] 形容词
Gruzovik маниаческий (= маньяческий); маньяческий
一般 маниакальный; помешанный; безумный; бешеный
 英语 词库
MANIAC ['meɪnɪæk] 缩写
缩写, 军队, 航空 mathematical analyzer numerical integrator and calculator
缩写, 地球科学 mathematical analyzer numerical integrator computer
缩写, 文件扩展名 Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator and Computer
缩写, 空间 mechanical and numerical integrator and computer
缩写, 航空 mathematic analyzer, numerical integrator and computer
maniac: 30 短语, 8 学科