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defenestration [dɪ'fenəs'treɪʃ(ə)n] 名词强调
一般 дефенестрация (Translucid Mushroom); хулиганское действие, выражающееся в том
具象的 удаление (These days defenestration is often used to describe the forceful removal of someone from public office or from some other advantageous position. History's most famous defenestration, however, was one in which the tossing out the window was quite literal. On May 23, 1618, two imperial regents were found guilty of violating certain guarantees of religious freedom. As punishment, they were thrown out the window of Prague Castle. The men survived the 50-foot tumble into the moat, but the incident, which became known as the Defenestration of Prague, marked the beginning of the Bohemian resistance to Hapsburg rule that eventually led to the Thirty Years' War. VLZ_58); выдворение (VLZ_58); смещение (VLZ_58)
历史的 казнь путём выбрасывания из окна; смертная казнь через выбрасывание из окна (Alexander Matytsin)
宗教 выбрасывание из окна (Execution by throwing from a window)
法律, 历史的 смертная казнь путём выбрасывания из окна
defenestration: 1 短语, 1 学科