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EC [ik-] 名词强调
Gruzovik, 军队 Командование ВС США на Европейском ТВД (European Command)
Gruzovik, 经济 исполнительный комитет (executive committee)
信息技术 контроль ошибок; исправление ошибок
医疗的 комитет по этике (Ethics Committee WiseSnake)
商业活动 Европейское экономическое сообщество (European Communities)
数学 внесение поправки (error correcting)
生物学 эндотелиальная клетка (nih.gov oniko)
肿瘤学 Эпирубицин – Epirubicin, Циклофосфамид – Cyclophosphamide (wikipedia.org vdengin)
Ec [ik-] 名词
技术 модуль упругости при сжатии
EC [ik-] 形容词
微软 для детей младшего возраста
EC [ik-] 缩写
农业 КЭ (концентрат эмульсии – напр., в названиях препаративных форм пестицидов ALAB)
腾吉兹 РПН (Разрешение на подключение нагрузки – Electrical Connection Permit AzamatBissa)
运动的 ЧЕ (Andrey Truhachev)
遗传学 КФ (код фермента – enzyme classification dimock)
ec- 缩写
马卡罗夫 эк- (в сложных словах греч. происхождения со значением: вне, из)
 英语 词库
ECs 缩写
缩写, 地球科学 element-collectors
EC [ik-] 缩写
Gruzovik, 缩写, 军队 European Command (командование ВС США на европейском ТВД)
Gruzovik, 缩写, 经济 executive committee
军队, 缩写 electromagnetic compatibility; electronic coding; electronic countermeasures; elevation console; elevation correction; emergency capability; emergency coordinator; engagement controller; engineering change; engineering construction; environment control; equipment category; equipment condition; equipment contract; escort convoy; evacuation center; executive committee; exercise commander; experimentation center; experimentation command; extension course; extra costs
军队, 联合国 executive council
技术, 缩写 earth current; edge connector; effective conductivity; electric current; electromagnetic combat; electron coupling; electron-coupled; electronic calibration; electronic comparator; electronic conductivity; electronic counter; electronics and control; electronics chassis; electrostatic collector; emergency communicator; emission color; emission current; emulsifiable concentrate; enamel covered; enamel single-cotton insulation; encoder coupler; enforcement coordinator; environmental chamber; evaluation center; experiment computer; extended control; extended control mode; external cavity
投资, 缩写 eurocheck
油和气, 缩写 extended controller
生态, 缩写 effective concentration
缩写 East Central; ECOcentre; electrical conductivity (zhvir); Emergency Co-ordinator (SEIC ABelonogov); Energy Conserving (смазочные материалы A Hun); Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide (см. Режимы химиотерапии в Википедии vdengin); Error Correction (MODEM); Emergency contraception; electric conductivity; engineer corps; Ethyl Corp.; Europe Community; electrolytic corrosion; electronic-coupled; ex-coupon; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund; external tariff
缩写, 临床试验 epicutaneous (igisheva); epicutaneously (igisheva)
缩写, 供水 Electrical Conductivity/Electroconductivity
缩写, 信息技术 education computer; electronic conference; error correcting; echo cancellation; evolutionary computation
缩写, 光学 electrically conducting
缩写, 公司名 Ethyl Corporation
缩写, 军队 Electrochemical Capacitor; electronic combat; enemy combatant; error control; Eastern Command; Education Center; Engineering Corps
缩写, 军队, 航空 earth coverage
缩写, 农业 exchange capacity
缩写, 冰川学 WMO Executive Council
缩写, 化学 electrochemical; electrochromatography
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Electron Capture
缩写, 医疗器械 extracorporeal circuit (vlad-and-slav)
缩写, 医疗的 enteric-coated; Eternal Care - Intensive Care (for A Patient Who Won't Come Out Again); Eukaryotic Cell (periodical); electric coagulation (MichaelBurov); erythrocyte concentrate (эритроцитарная масса aksolotle); electrocoagulation (MichaelBurov); electro-coagulation (MichaelBurov); electro coagulation (MichaelBurov); electrical coagulation (MichaelBurov); Ethics Committee (WiseSnake); embryonal carcinoma; entrance complaint; Enzyme Commission; epithelial cell; Escherichia coli; ethyle chlorohydrin; excitation-contraction; expiratory center; extracellular (fluid); eyes closed
缩写, 合同 employment contract (igisheva)
缩写, 商业活动 each; economy; ex coupon; extended coverage
缩写, 地球科学 Earth Comet; East Center; Eastern Chat; Ecology Center; Economic Committee; eddy correlation method; electrical conductance; electrical conductor; electrochemical detector; electroconductibility; electroconductivity; electrolyte concentration; electron-capture; elemental carbon; energy conference; energy conservation; environmental control; environmental costs; evaporator condensate
缩写, 多媒体 Enhanced Content (красильникова_света)
缩写, 射线照相术 Electronic Cleansing (полуавтоматическая обработка в ходе виртуальной колоноскопии на рабочей станции врача с автоматическим исключением жидкости и кала из просвета толстой кишки VasDoc)
缩写, 库页岛 Environment Comity; environmental committee; excentric
缩写, 微软 Early Childhood (для детей младшего возраста; a game rating symbol developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)
缩写, 心脏病学 Electric cardiovision (iwona)
缩写, 技术 electrochromic (MichaelBurov); erection contractor (eugeene1979)
缩写, 收音机 Extended C (Челядник Евгений); electron coupled
缩写, 政治 Ecuador
缩写, 教育 Early Childhood; electronic communication (Углов); exceptional children (iwona)
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Education Code
缩写, 数学 estimation at completion
缩写, 核能和聚变能 Electron capture (Iryna_mudra)
缩写, 欧洲联盟 European Community
缩写, 气象 Department of the Environment of Canada
缩写, 汽车 engine control; entertainment and comfort; exhaust closes; exhaust valve closed; external combustion
缩写, 生物技术 Endothelial cell (Altuntash); EC
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Emergency Contraception
缩写, 电 embedded controller
缩写, 电信 electronic commerce (E-commerce)
缩写, 电子产品 electronic combat; echo canceller; electrical conductivity; electrochromic (cell); electrocrystallization; electronic cinema; electronic cinematography; electronic circuit; electronic connection; electronics and countermeasures; electrostatic coupling; embedded computer; emergency communication; emergency condition; emitted current; emulator control; encapsulating; energy conversion; enhanced control; entropy compression; equivalent capacity; Ethernet concentrator; expander cell; extrinsic carrier
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Electrical Conductivity
缩写, 电气工程 electric common (Пахно Е.А.); electrical conductor; electrical conductivity; electrocoating; emergency conditions; emergency control; enameled copper; equipment compatibility
缩写, 电话 Exchange Carrier
缩写, 画画 ending point of curve
缩写, 石油/石油 earth crust; Economic Census; Economic Community; elasticity coefficient; electrodynamic; electrolytic; electrolytic capacitor; electrolytical corrosion (test); electron device; electron diffraction; electronic computer; electronical components; enamel-covered wire; end cell; end connector; end of curve; energy convertion; environment correction; equipment check; eroded cones; error corrected; error detecting; ethyl carbonate; excavated cavity; exchange clause; exchangeable cation; exclusion chromatography; expansive classification; experimental duties; exploration corp.; extra control
缩写, 科学的 Exceptional Children
缩写, 空手道 economic commission; expected cost
缩写, 空间 electrolysis cell; ethyl centralite
缩写, 纺织工业 ethylene carbonate
缩写, 组织机构名称 European Communities
缩写, 统计数据 electronic commerce
缩写, 联合国 Commission of the European Communities
缩写, 聚合物 electronically controlled; ethyl cellulose
缩写, 肿瘤学 Эпирубицин — pirubicin, Циклофосфамид — yclophosphamide (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Режимы_химиотерапии vdengin)
缩写, 自动化设备 eddy current
缩写, 航海 East Coast
缩写, 航空 electronic compartment (Interex); Environment Canada; engine change; equipment center; escadrille de chasse; etch characteristics; economic commission (ICAO assembly); electronic control (Interex); experimental certificate; economy class; education committee; electron components; electronic classroom; employee certification; engine controller; engine cutoff; equalizer circuit; equipment control; equipment controller; evaluation and control; exemption certification; export committee
缩写, 苏格兰语 Civil aircraft marking (Spain); Earth Coverage antenna; Ecuador (NATO country code)
缩写, 英式英语 emergency commission
缩写, 药品名称 Enteric Coated
缩写, 药店 Enteric Coated Tablet (Natalya Rovina)
缩写, 萨哈林岛 Ecocenter
缩写, 警察 European Commission
缩写, 计算机网络 error checking; error correction
缩写, 证券 ex coupon ex cp or
缩写, 财政 European Council
缩写, 运动的 European Championship; Executive Committee; exercise capacity; European Championshi
缩写, 通讯 external computer; Execution Cycle
缩写, 遗传学 embryogenic callus
缩写, 银行业 Eurocard (кредитная карточка, выпускаемая международной организацией Eurocard через банки различных стран. киянка); Eurocheque
缩写, 防空 expendable countermeasure; equipment characteristics
缩写, 风能 electronically commutated
能源行业, 缩写 electrical circuit; electricity conservation; emission control; equilibrium cycle; escort car; evaporative condenser; event category
遗传学 enzyme classification (dimock)
铁路术语, 缩写 electric combined
EC50 [ik-] 缩写
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 median effective concentration
EC$ 缩写
缩写, 石油/石油 East Caribbean Dollar
Ec [ik-] 缩写
库页岛 electrochemical component of SP
技术 modulus of elasticity in compression
缩写 cutoff efficiency (MichaelBurov); electrochemical component of the spontaneous potential
缩写, 医疗的 ecology
缩写, 石油/石油 electrochemical potential
Ec. 缩写
地理 Ecuador (Vosoni)
ec [ik-] 缩写
缩写 economics
Ec. 缩写
缩写, 商业 East Caribbean Dollar
ec [ik-] 缩写
缩写, 汽车 exhaust valve closes
Ec. 缩写
缩写, 经济 exempli causa
ec [ik-] 缩写
缩写, 遗传学 echinus
ec. 缩写
缩写 economics
缩写, 财政 economic capital
EC: 187 短语, 49 学科