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комплекс действий при хакерской атакеMalOp (MalOp, malicious operation, is the complete set of events taking place in a hacking operation. A MalOp includes the attack's root cause, the timeline of spread, the involved malware and other adversarial activities, malicious communication and the affected endpoints and users. cybereason.com Milcha)
комплекс действий при хакерской атакеmalicious operation (MalOp, malicious operation, is the complete set of events taking place in a hacking operation. A MalOp includes the attack's root cause, the timeline of spread, the involved malware and other adversarial activities, malicious communication and the affected endpoints and users. cybereason.com Milcha)
комплекс действий при хакерской атакеmalop (MalOp, malicious operation, is the complete set of events taking place in a hacking operation. A MalOp includes the attack's root cause, the timeline of spread, the involved malware and other adversarial activities, malicious communication and the affected endpoints and users. cybereason.com Milcha)
комплекс средств безопасности вычислительной системыtrusted computing base (включая аппаратные и программные средства)
комплекс средств защитыsecurity toolkit (Alex_Odeychuk)
комплекс средств защитыtrusted computer base (КСЗ)
комплекс средств защитыtrusted computing base (КСЗ)
комплекс средств защиты платформыplatform security toolkit (Alex_Odeychuk)
периметр комплекса средств защитыTCB perimeter
периметр комплекса средств защитыTCB boundary
хакерский инструмент для взлома банковских программных комплексовcode for hacking into banks (Alex_Odeychuk)