
术语 对于主题 非正式的 包含 it' s not a big deal | 所有字形 | 只按指定顺序
it's not a big dealничего страшного (It's not a big deal, we can reschedule your appointment. ART Vancouver)
it's not a big dealв этом нет ничего особенного (To be honest, if you're a local it's not a big deal. Just a typical winter in Sierra Nevada. ART Vancouver)
it's not a big deal for meмне нетрудно (to + infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: It's not a big deal for me to do that, it's just that I have to call our VP on a statutory holiday.)
like it's not a big dealкак бы ненароком (george serebryakov)
like it's not a big dealкак бы между прочим (If you deliver bad news like it's not a big deal, then it's not a big deal. george serebryakov)