
术语 对于主题 微软 包含 устройство управления | 所有字形 | 只按指定顺序
игровое устройство управленияgame controller (A device used to control a video game. For example, a joystick, mouse, or gamepad)
объект устройства управленияcontrol device object (A device object that represents the filter driver to the system and to user-mode application and which allows applications to communicate with the filter driver directly, even before the filter is attached to a file system or volume device object)
пользовательский элемент управления для мобильных устройствmobile user control (An ASP.NET mobile control derived from the System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileUserControl class. User controls provide containers for custom controls built from other ASP.NET mobile controls)
точка управления мобильными устройствамиdevice management point (A Configuration Manager site system that communicates with mobile device clients and that must be hosted on a Configuration Manager management point)
управление устройствомdevice management (The exchange of requests and responses that control and configure the operational state of a device. Device management requires the use of a Communication Class interface)
устройство для управления указателем мыши без рукpuff and sip device
устройство простого управленияsingle switch device (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A single switch device allows users to interact with a computer by using slight body movements)
элемент управления ASP.NET для мобильных устройствASP.NET mobile control (One of a set of ASP.NET controls designed for mobile Web applications. ASP.NET mobile controls extend their ASP.NET server control counterparts)