
术语 对于主题 陈词滥调 包含 отличие | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
в отличие отin comparison (него, неё, них (употребляется в конце фразы): Mapping of the city has revealed unequal canopy cover across various neighbourhoods, with those in the west side, such as Dunbar Southlands, having the highest canopy cover while other neighbourhoods, such as Strathcona, have very low canopy cover in comparison. insidevancouver.ca ART Vancouver)
в отличие отas opposed to (чего-либо: "Predictions as opposed to prophecy, can be subject to changes and are not written in stone, she remarked." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в отличие отby contrast ("For reasons he has never publicly explained, Lee downloaded thousands of pages of genuine government secrets, the fruit of 50 years of research at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Deutch, by contrast, carried his own work back and forth between home and office." – Thomas Powers, The NY Times Magazine ART Vancouver)