
术语 对于主题 一般 包含 cuff | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
barrel cuffитальянская манжета (grafleonov)
barrel cuffспортивная манжета (grafleonov)
barrel cuffманжет на пуговице
barrier leg cuffманжета (подгузника 4uzhoj)
barrier leg cuffбоковые оборки (барьерные элементы подгузника в виде дуги через пах со стягивающими их резинками, предотвращающие проникновение жидкости на кожу ребёнка 4uzhoj)
blood pressure cuffманжета аппарата для измерения кровяного давления
cuff buttonзапонка (buraks)
cuff-linkзапонка (в петли манжет и воротничка муж. сорочки)
cuff linkзапонка
cuff of the neckшиворот
cuff on the napeподзатыльник (Eugene_Chel)
cuff socksноски с отворотом (Vakhnitsky)
cuffed jeansджинсы с отворотами (markovka)
flex-cuffпластиковая лента для фиксации на запястьях или лодыжках задержанных (по типу наручников Yanick)
French cuffдвойная манжета (grafleonov)
French cuffфранцузская манжета (grafleonov)
give a cuff on the earдать пощёчину
off the cuffнеподготовленный
off the cuffнаобум (DC)
off the cuffбыстро
off the cuffинстинктивно
off the cuffсразу
off the cuffни с того ни с сего
off the cuffне по бумажке (As the lawyers say, you can make a case that he meant something else. Besides, to be fair, he was speaking off the cuff. People get tired, they misspeak, they use the wrong word, they call their wife by the name of their daughter or say they are going to Brazil when they mean Brazaville. -– mberdy.US.17)
off the cuffс налёта
off the cuffс бухты-барахты (Anglophile)
off the cuffс кандачка
off the cuffнавскидку (Anglophile)
off the cuffбез подготовки (also: off-the-cuff: without preparation, ad lib : speaking off the cuff)
off the cuffнаобум лазаря
off the cuffимпровизированный
off the cuffавтоматически
off-the-cuffв порядке импровизации (This is my  off-the-cuff  response)
off-the-cuffпросто так (rechnik)
off-the-cuffневключённый (palomnik)
off-the-cuffбездумный (eugenealper)
off-the-cuffлегковесный (конт.)
off-the-cuffс бухты-барахты
off-the-cuffнепродуманный (eugenealper)
off-the-cuff remarkнеподготовленная реплика
play it off the cuffдействовать по обстановке (Anglophile)
play it off the cuffдействовать по обстоятельствам
she took hold of her son by the cuff of the neckона схватила сына за шиворот
speak off the cuffговорить не по бумажке
speak off the cuffвыступать без бумажки (As the lawyers say, you can make a case that he meant something else. Besides, to be fair, Mr. Lavrov was speaking off the cuff. People get tired, they misspeak, they use the wrong word, they call their wife by the name of their daughter or say they are going to Brazil when they mean Brazaville. -– mberdy.US.17)
speak off the cuffвыступать не по бумажке (As the lawyers say, you can make a case that he meant something else. Besides, to be fair, he was speaking off the cuff. People get tired, they misspeak, they use the wrong word, they call their wife by the name of their daughter or say they are going to Brazil when they mean Brazaville. -– mberdy.US.17)
speak off the cuffимпровизировать (VLZ_58)