
术语 包含 cognize | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
心理学cognized necessityпознанная необходимость
哲学cognizing subjectпознающий субъект (Jean Piaget’s work on children’s intellectual and moral development is a rich source for constructivism; that knowledge is constructed by the cognizing subject, who forms cognitive schemes as the adaptive outcome of their own experience of the physical world – by The Australian Scholarship in Teaching Project Tamerlane)
一般discovering and cognizing the you canоткрывая для себя (soa.iya)
马卡罗夫we cognize an object by one act, we cognize that cognition by a very different actмы узнаём какой-либо объект с помощью одного процесса, мы постигаем с помощью совершенно другого процесса