
 Сергей Зайцев

链接 23.07.2018 18:38 
主题: authorize conflist of interests 一般
Друзья, помогите с переводом словосочетания "authorize conflict". Контекст:

18.1 For the purposes of this Article 18, a conflict of interest includes a conflict of interest and duty and a conflict of duties, and interest includes both direct and indirect interests.
18.2 The directors may, in accordance with the requirements set out in this Article 18, authorise any matter proposed to them by any director which would, if not authorised, involve a director breaching his duty under Section 175 of CA 2006 to avoid conflicts of interest (such matter being hereinafter referred to as a Conflict).
18.3 A director seeking authorisation in respect of a Conflict shall declare to the other directors the nature and extent of his interest in a Conflict as soon as is reasonably practicable. The director shall provide the other directors with such details of the relevant matter as are necessary for the other directors to decide how to address the Conflict together with such other information as may be requested by the other directors.

Я перевел его как "разрешить конфликт", но я не уверен в правильности этого варианта.


链接 23.07.2018 19:12 
It's not a/the conflict of interest that's being authorised, it's "any matter [ie, any action or decision] ...... which would ......" that's being authorised.

 authorised (UK), authorized (US)


链接 23.07.2018 19:14 
в тексте нет этого словосочетания


链接 24.07.2018 9:39 
в корпоративном праве это называется "одобрение", например, совет директоров одобряет сделку, в совершении которой имеется заинтересованность члена совета директоров или близких ему лиц, т.к. может иметься конфликт интересов компании и заинтересованного члена СД.

