
 princess Tatiana

链接 9.05.2011 14:09 
主题: помогите с толкованием стихотворения Эмили Дикинсон
Уважаемые коллеги,
Вот такое стихотворение:

A throe upon the features
A hurry in the breath,
An ecstasy of parting
Denominated ‘Death,’ –

An anguish at the mention,
Which, when to patience grown,
I’ve known permission given
To rejoin its own.

Смущают последние две строки. То есть когда мы начинаем терпеливо ожидать смерть, происходит что? Буду благодарна за мнения.


链接 9.05.2011 14:23 
I am not into her poems, not yet. Besides, my Am. Lit. anthology does no contain No. 71. :))
However, she is a very famous poet, so let's start digging -

The structure of this poem seems to be four exclamations about a death in lines 1-5, followed by a three line relative clause in lines 6-8. If this is right, in the last three lines Emily will be saying, ‘But when I’ve steadied myself and got used to this death, I will then admit to myself that at least the dead person has been allowed to rejoin its own departed loved ones.’

 princess Tatiana

链接 9.05.2011 15:02 
Спасибо, это я уже прочла :)
Непонятно правда, почему автор говорит о "rejoin its own departed loved ones". Вообще, к чему относится its?


链接 9.05.2011 15:48 
Probably, it is artistic license, the willing suspension of disbelief.
Maybe, "its own" ~ the corpse's own, or the departed soul's own.
Not a 100% sure, though. Her poetry is subtle, exquisite, tricky, and demanding.
In Dickinson, you certainly can not expect full observance of the grammar rules.
Detach yourself from that ESL stuff, and breathe freely:))
Have you gotten through the 70 previous ones? (alas, I have never managed).
If the answer is yes, it might have contained some clues.


链接 9.05.2011 15:56 
Oh, by the way, you may wanna ask our "natives" here, this looks like a good challenge for them.


链接 9.05.2011 16:05 
имхо: rejoin its own departed loved ones - снова встретиться (воссоединиться) с умершими близкими (любимыми) людьми, которые уже находятся во власти смерти ... its относится к смерти....

 princess Tatiana

链接 9.05.2011 20:11 
Спасибо за варианты, буду думать :)
Wolverin, thank you :) I have managed more than 70, since I am writing a thesis on her poetry, but I got kind of stuck with this one. Emily did break rules, but this sentence doesn't even look like a sentence. No subject (what rejoins its own what?)


链接 10.05.2011 8:59 
Да, мне тоже кажется, это значит "воссоединиться с теми, кто уже принадлежит смерти"

