

链接 10.06.2008 8:33 
主题: запуталась маленько - помогите
На техническом совещании было принято решение, что компания S. в счет долга, на безоплатной основе пришлет комплект зап. частей для работы линии на один год на сумму 60 кЕвро.
During the technical meeting it was decided that the Company S would deliver a set of spare parts for operation of the line for the amount of 60kEuro on free of charge basis against the debt
в счет долга?


链接 10.06.2008 8:51 

It was decided/agreed at the meeting that company S. will deliver new set of spare parts for functioning of the production line during 1 (one) calendar year. Spare sparts to be delivered on account of existing debt and free of charge. Value of sparts so delivered shall be 60 thousand EUR.


链接 10.06.2008 8:54 
The technical meeting decided that S Company would a charge-free basis as part of offsetting its debt deliver a set of spare parts valued at/worth 60kEuro to maintain in operation the product line for a one year period.


链接 10.06.2008 8:58 
many thanks


链接 10.06.2008 9:15 
А откуда долг?
Просто, как говорять представители древнейшей профессии, for no consideration..


链接 10.06.2008 9:55 


链接 10.06.2008 12:23 
Это они частей на 60 штук пришлют, а денег не потребуют за них.

