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主题的术语 具象的 (92 статей)
have promise Have promise" is an idiomatic expression that signifies the potential or likelihood of something being successful or showing potential for future success. It is often used to describe individuals, ideas, projects, or even products. A.Rezv­ov
a stroke of policy policy stroke Andrey­ Truhac­hev
home run an action that is very successful A.Rezv­ov
salad any mixture or assortment Danell­io
bailiwick a person's concern or sphere of operations, their area of skill or authority
bailiwick area or subject of authority or involvement
bailiwick the sphere in which one has superior knowledge or authority
bailiwick area of knowledge in which a person or institution has control or expertise
bailiwick a geographical area over which someone or some body has legal or political control
be writ large be clear and obvious
christen to name or dedicate (something, such as a ship) by a ceremony that often involves breaking a bottle of champagne
christen to use for the first time
come calling to make (one's) presence felt
Cupid's kettle drums women's breasts Vadim ­Roumins­ky
double-barreled twofold
double-barrelled twofold
fiend a person of great wickedness or maliciousness
first base kissing Andrey­ Truhac­hev
flak adverse criticism
gooseberry bush Used, especially in answer to a child's question, to refer to the place where newborn babies are found