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system management
 System Management
nauki sp. Systemmanagement
 system management
posp. Systemmanagment
techn. Systemverwaltung
 systems management
technol. posp. Systemsteuerung
| storage
bud. künstliches Rückhaltebecken
chem. Lager
hand. transp. Lagerung von Waren
nauki o ż. bud. Wasservorrat
roln. chem. Anreicherung
- znaleziono osobne słowa (niektóre znaczenia z tezaurusa nie mają tłumaczeń w słowniku)

do fraz
system management
posp. Systemmanagment n
techn. Systemverwaltung f
systems management
technol. Systemsteuerung f
komun., technol. Systemmanagement n
System Management
nauki sp. Systemmanagement n
 Angielski tezaurus
system management
wojsk., logist. The planning, employment and control of system resources and their utilization to achieve and maintain optimal system operation. System management activities are grouped into five functional areas, i.e. fault management, financial accounting management, configuration management, performance management and security management. The term "systems management" is related to the International Standards Organization ISO open systems interconnection OSI model; systems management when used in the context of a communication system or network is often called network management. (FRA)
system management storage
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki
Technologia informacyjna1