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missed approach procedure
lotn. 中断进近程序 (由于任何原因无法完成着陆,而在仪表进近后所遵循的程序。当飞机已经下降到决断高度,且无法看到跑道,或当空中交通管制引导飞机复飞时,通常要遵照中断进近程序。对每个程序只能公布一个中断进近程序)
 Angielski tezaurus
missed approach procedure
lotn. The procedure that is to be followed after an instrument approach procedure IAP if, for any reason, a landing is not effected and that occurs normally a when the aircraft has descended to the decision height DH, or has descended to the minimum descent altitude MDA and reached the missed approach point or waypoint, and has not established the required visual reference to land; or b when the aircraft is directed by ATC to pull up or to go around
missed approach procedure US DoD
skr. MAP (Alex Lilo)