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micr. Algorithmus
- znaleziono osobne słowa (niektóre znaczenia z tezaurusa nie mają tłumaczeń w słowniku)

przymiotnik | skrót
 Angielski tezaurus
FIRST [fɜ:st] przym.
komp. far infrared space telescope
skr. Financial Integrity Rating System Of Texas; Foundation for Ichthyosis & Related Skin Types; Foundation For Inspiration And Recognition Of Science And Technology; Factors In Risk Selection Techniques; Farmer's Independent Research Of Seed Technologies; Fast Intensive Report Supervision And Treatment; Feedstock Impregnation And Rapid Steam Treatment; Ferrets Information Rescue Shelter Trust; Fighting Irish Retired Service Team; First In Recognition Of Science And Technology; First Inspiration And Recognition Of Science And Technology; Fixed Interest Rate Savings Tax; Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team; Flexible Instruction Reference And Support Tool; Floriculture Industry Research Scholarship Trust; Forum of Incident Response and SecuriTy (organization, NIST); Foundation For Innovation Regional Services And Telecommunications; Freshman Incorporating Respect Service and Teamwork; Friendly Information Referral Service Team; Friendly Innovative Reliable Sincere Team; Frontiers In Research Space And Time; Furthering Information Research Support And Training
skr., astronaut. Far-Infrared Space Telescope (ESA)
skr., eduk. Fair And Immediate Resources For Students Today
skr., eduk., nauk. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
skr., elektron. fast intelligent regeneration system technology; fast interactive retrieval system technology; federal information research science and technology network; financial information reporting system; frequency domain integrating resonant superconducting transmission line (detector); future,s inventory replenishment system technology
skr., elektron., nauk. Floppy Inclusion And Rigid Substructure Topography
skr., finans. FIRST Initiative; Financial Sector Assessments and Policies Division
skr., med. Foundation For Ichthyosis And Related Skin Types
skr., obron. far infrared search track project; fast infrared search and track
skr., olej. Fully Integrated Retractable Single Test system (MichaelBurov)
skr., praw. Firearm Instruction Responsibility And Safety Training
skr., przestrz. far infrared search and track
skr., sach. Financial Information & Reporting System; Financial Information (Sakhalin Energy)
skr., szkoc.ang. Fast InfraRed Sniper Tracker; Fast Interactive Radio System Tool
skr., wojsk. Forum of Incident Response and Security Team; Far Infrared Spectroscopy Telescope
skr., wojsk., lotn. fabrication of inflatable reentry structures for test
techn. far-infrared and submillimeter space telescope; far-infrared search and track
wojsk. fire support team; fixed round simple torpedo; flexible independent radar skills trainer; flexible infrared search and tracking system
First [fɜ:st] przym.
jedn.miar., skr. F
FIRST [fɜ:st] skr.
skr., przestrz. far infrared and sub-millimeter telescope