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 Angielski tezaurus
CORE [kɔ:] rzecz.
nasd., skr. Core, Inc.
skr. Congress of Racial Equality; Calendar Of Ridley Events
skr., badan. Coordinating and Operations Center (MichaelBurov); computerized randomization/enrollment (Игорь_2006)
skr., bryt.ang. Company of Royal Engineers
skr., chem., nauk. Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment
skr., eduk. Career Opportunities And Resources For Education
skr., eduk., nauk. Center For Outcomes Research And Evaluation
skr., elektron. common object repository; custom optical reticle engraver; Council of Registrars
skr., elektron., nauk. Composite object reference
skr., gen. coordinative regulatory element for antioxidative defense (по Tsukamoto et al., 2005 Alex Lilo)
skr., intern. Comprehensive Online Research Education
skr., lotn. cost oriented resources estimating
skr., med. common operational research equipment
skr., nazw. Common Register of Development Activities
skr., onkol., med. Cancer Outreach And Relief Effort
skr., organ. Congress Of Racial Equality
skr., polit. Cadre Of Republic Elite
skr., praw. Community Oriented Resident Enforcement
skr., progr. controlled requirements expression (ssn)
skr., relig. Church On The Radical Edge
skr., rozsz. Bitmap graphics (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file)
skr., technol. controller of remote electronics
skr., transp. Commercial Operators Rate Equity
skr., wojsk. contingency response program; Contingency Response
techn., wojsk., lotn. coherent-on-receive
wojsk., skr. common optical receiving element; competitive operational readiness evaluation; Contingency Response (Program)
CORES skr.
skr. Computer-Assisted Order Routing and Execution System (dimock)
skr., bizn. correspondence
skr., giełd. Computer-assisted Order Routing and Execution System
skr., progr. computer-assisted order routing and execution system (ssn)
skr., wojsk., lotn. computer assisted order routing and execution system
core [kɔ:] rzecz.
med. The bullet-shaped center of HIV. The viral core contains the genetic information two single strands of RNA and three enzymes needed for HIV to replicate. zob. też p24
skr., biol. c
CorE [kɔ:] skr.
skr. conversion or elimination facility (START)
CORE [kɔ:] skr.
skr., nauka o z. complete ordered ray expansion; consortium for ocean research and exploration
skr., ropa / r. Canadian Offshore Resources Exposition