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cir ['sɪreɪ] rzecz.akcenty
posp. окружность; цирк
publ. сокращение слов circuit, circulate, circulation
wierc. круг (circle); круговой (circular); циркулярный (circular); схема (circuit; рад.); цепь (circuit)
cir. skr.
skr. приблизительно (лат. circa Yuriy83)
CIR ['sɪreɪ] skr.
Gruzovik, ekon. Комиссия по вопросам отношений между администрацией и рабочими в промышленности Великобритания (Commission on Industrial Relations); статистика отраслей промышленности США (current industrial report)
impl. соотношение коронка-имплантат (MichaelBurov)
med. соотношение углеводы/инсулин (carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio (показывает сколько грамм углеводов покрывает 1 ЕД инсулина) Guts Tonya)
sieć. согласованная скорость передачи информации
st. mnd. координатор международных связей (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk); координатор международного обмена (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk); координатор международного сотрудничества (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk)
techn. импульсная характеристика канала (carp); объёмная разведка внутреннего пространства (сокр. Comprehensive Interior Reconnaissance Pimenov)
technol. регистр текущей команды
telekom. Гарантированная скорость передачи данных (Georgy Moiseenko)
teng. обзор осуществления программы по стране (Yeldar Azanbayev)
transp. Акт о неисправностях при перевозке груза (Cargo Irregularity Report)
 Angielski tezaurus
cir ['sɪreɪ] rzecz.
roln. circulation
skr. circle; circuit; circular; circulating; circumference
skr., lotn. completed inspection records (box)
zaut. cubic inches per revolution
cir. rzecz.
ekon. circa (Seregaboss)
skr. circular
skr., hand. circulate
skr., wierc. circle; circuit; circulatance; circulation; circulating; circumstance
CIR ['sɪreɪ] rzecz.
praw. crime of Indian reservations
skr. Citizens Initiated Referendum; Commissioner Of Internal Revenue; Computer Investment Research; Continuous Improvement Review; Coordinator For International Relations; Coordinator Of International Relations; Canada-India Reactor; Characteristic Instants of Restitution; Commissioners on Inland Revenue; Commited Information Rate; Committee on Industrial Relations; Corporate Integrated Risk management department (Helga Tarasova); Council on Industrial Relations; Current Industrial Report; converter instruction register
skr., bank. cost to income ratio (Merc); cost income ratio (efficiency ratio Millie)
skr., eduk., nauk. Center For Incubation And Research
skr., ekon. Commision on Industrial Relations
skr., elektron. calling-line identity request (signal); carrier-to-intermodulation ratio; characteristic impedance ratio; continuous infrared; CROM instruction register
skr., farma. controlled ileal release (Фьялар)
skr., giełd. Circor International, Inc.
skr., impl. C/I ratio (MichaelBurov); C/IR (MichaelBurov); crown-to-implant ratio (MichaelBurov)
skr., kolej. City of Rochelle Illinois
skr., komp., technol. Current Instruction Register
skr., komun. Cab Integrated Radio communication equipment; Cab Integrated Radio
skr., logist. container inspection report
skr., lotn. cargo integration review; change impact report; cleaning inspection and repair manual; completed inspection record; configuration inspection report; conformity inspection report; customer initiated release; customer inspection report; customer inspection requirements
skr., med. Committee of Interns and Residents (США - Committee of Interns & Residents Евгений Челядник); Clone Information Received; Committee of Interns and Residents (New York State)
skr., mot. Consumer Information Regulation
skr., obron. collection intelligence requirements
skr., polim. crystallization-induced reactions
skr., polit. Common Implementing Regulation (Millie)
skr., progr. class instance record (ssn)
skr., przem. Cosmetic Ingredient Review
skr., publ. Capital Investments Review
skr., sach. Critical Issue Review (Sakhalin Energy)
skr., sieć., technol. Communications Initiation Request
skr., szkoc.ang. Computer Integrated Repair; Continuous Infra-Red
skr., technol. Committed Information Rate; Configuration In Run; current instruction register
skr., wojsk. Central Intelligence Report; Continuing Intelligence Requirement; Critical Information Requirements; continuing intelligence requirement
skr., wojsk., lotn. carrier to interference ratio
skr., zaop. Consumptive Irrigation Requirement/Crop Irrigation Requirement
skr., zaut. Center for Information Research
techn. carrier-to-interference ratio
wojsk. coherent imaging radar; color infrared; consignment item request; constant infrared; cost information reports
Cir ['sɪreɪ] rzecz.
rozsz. Circulate
łac. Circinus (the Compasses, Циркуль Vosoni)
CIR. skr.
skr., eduk. Curriculum And Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators
CIR ['sɪreɪ] skr.
skr. country implementation review (oVoD)
skr., lotn. change incorporation request; configuration identification records; conformity inspection record; customer inspection requirement
skr., med. Committee for Interns and Residents (Евгений Челядник); Complaint Incident Report (peuplier_8)
skr., nauka o z. colour infrared; comprehensive inspections and reviews; constant impulse response; cost of irreversibility; customer inspection record; cylindrical internal reflectance
skr., przestrz. cargo integrated review; cell insertion ratio; channel impulse response; control and interrupt register
skr., ropa / r. clay instability rating; closed invaded regime; constant injection rate; cost information report
: 7 do fraz, 5 tematyki
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