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do fraz
bug [bʌg] rzecz.
micr., Braz. bug (A recurring physical problem that prevents a system or set of components from working together properly. While the origin of this definition is in some dispute, computer folklore attributes the first use of bug in this sense to a problem in the Harvard Mark I or the Army/University of Pennsylvania ENIAC that was traced to a moth caught between the contacts of a relay in the machine (although a moth is not entomologically a true bug))
niez. avaria do software; avaria do logicial
ochr.środ. hemípteros; insetos
technol. deficiência; erro; falha
technol., przetw. erro de programação
BUGS [bʌgz] rzecz.
mat. inferência bayesiana usando amostragem Gibbs: BUGS
bug Any of the suborder Heteroctera, having piercing and sucking mouthparts, specialized as a beak [bʌg] rzecz.
ochr.środ. hemípteros
 Angielski tezaurus
bug [bʌg] rzecz.
micr. BUG (An error in coding or logic that causes a program to malfunction or to produce incorrect results)
BUG [bʌg] rzecz.
lotnisk. Benguela, Angola
skr. Buginese; Backpacker's Ultimate Guide; Being Unusually Good; bending; Bicycle User Group; Big Ugly Grin; Bluegrass Ultralight Group; Brought Up Grades; Bucharest Under Ground
skr., eduk. Bringing Up Grades
skr., eduk., nauk. Bring Up Grades
skr., policj. Back Up Gun; Big Urban Game
skr., progr., technol. Bus Users Group
skr., sport Backpackers Ultimate Guide; Bicycle Users Group
skr., technol. Bugs and Problems
Bug [bʌg] skr.
skr. Bugler (UK Royal Marines); Buggatti
: 38 do fraz, 7 tematyki
Nauki przyrodnicze7
Technologia informacyjna3
Zasoby naturalne i ochrona dzikiej przyrody19