
   Angielski Francuski
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tłumaczenie z innych języków
micr. réunir
patent. unir; combiner
| chargee
finans. créancier privilégié
| des
komp. standard de cryptage de données
med. équivalent en dextrose
| questions
szt. question
concernant les organismes ayant leur | siege
przem. bud. hutn. siège
| a
polit. roln. techn. are
| Rome
geogr. Rome
et le CSA
- znaleziono osobne słowa

rzeczownik | czasownik | do fraz
unite ['ju:naɪt] rzecz.
patent. unir; combiner m
unite ['ju:naɪt] czas.
micr. réunir (To combine two or more shapes or paths to result in a single compound path that represents all of the area that was covered by the individual shapes and paths. If the resulting path is not a solid shape (for example, if there are holes), you can release the compound path, which results in a path object being created for each contiguous edge)
uniting czas.
techn. rattachement (with)
 Angielski tezaurus
UNITE ['ju:naɪt] skr.
skr., elektron. user network interface for terminal endpoints; user network interface for terminal equipment
UNITE ['ju:naɪt] skr.
skr. Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees; United Neighbors Improving Their Environment; Ubiquitous aNd Integrated Teamwork Environment (SIT)
skr., eduk., nauk. UNinitiated Introduction To Engineering
skr., policj. Unlawful Narcotics Investigations Treatment and Education
skr., praw. Unlawful Narcotics Investigation Treatment and Education
skr., sieć., technol. User Network Interface To Everything
: 10 do fraz, 5 tematyki
Organizacja narodów zjednoczonych1
Technologia informacyjna1