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APT [æpt] rzecz.
komp. APT n (automatically programmed tools, Programmiersprache für NC-Anwendungen)
skr. Advanced Passenger Train
urządz. automatische Fernübertragung der Lage; automatisch programmiertes Werkzeug
apt [æpt] rzecz.
ekon. geschickt
ekon., amer. voraussichtlich; wahrscheinlich
techn. faehig; zweckdienlich
apt. skr.
skr. apartment
apt [æpt] przym.
posp. begabt; geeignet; passend; treffend; sinnig
bizn. angemessen
przen. schlagend
techn. geneigt; tauglich; treffen
 Angielski tezaurus
Apt [æpt] rzecz.
geol. Aptian sequence (MichaelBurov); Aptian (MichaelBurov); Aptian Stage (MichaelBurov); Aptian Age (MichaelBurov); Aptian time (MichaelBurov)
APT [æpt] skr.
przem. accelerator production of tritium
ropa / r. annual planning templates (serz)
skr. airport control tower; Artist Pension Trust; arbitrage pricing theory (Alexander Matytsin); automated pit trading (Alexander Matytsin); Accelerated Pavement Testing; Address Pass Through; Administrative Professional And Technical; Advanced Package Tool; advanced passenger train; Advanced Passenger Transport; Advanced Platform Technology; airport (авиа накладная Yuriy83); All Purpose Traction; Appointment Promotion And Tenure; Arbitrage Pricing Theory (dimock); Arranged Passenger Transport; Athens Party Telephone; Attitude Power Trim; Audio Pass Through; Automated Pit Trading System; Automated Product Test (Vosoni); Automated Programmed Tool; Automatic Package Transfer; Automatic Position Telemetering; Telephony Applications System
skr., archit. Architectural Planning Task (anna_kan)
skr., astronaut. Asia-Pacific Telecommunity; automatic photoelectric telescope
skr., bizn. apartment; appoint; appointment
skr., chem. aminopropylisothiourea; ammonium paratungstate
skr., elektron. address partition terminator; application product tools; Applied Process Technology, Inc.; asymmetric pulse train; automated production testing; automatic parametric test (system); automatic programming testing; automation planning and technology; automobile performance tester; asymmetrical power transfer
skr., fizj. arterial physiological testing
skr., komput. automated programming tools; automatically programming tools
skr., kryptogr. advanced persistent threats
skr., logist. aft after peak tank
skr., lotn. air passenger tariff; airport control tower; advanced pilot training; advanced processor technology; airborne pointer and tracker; airport traffic tower; automated program tool; automation planning and technology; auxiliary power turbine
skr., med. Apical Pneumothorax Treatment; alum precipitated toxoid
skr., mot. adjustable part throttle; adjusted part throttle; automotive pressure transducer
skr., nauka o z. aerial profiling of terrain; atmospheric pollutant transport method
skr., obron. accurate position indicator
skr., okręt. after-peak tank
skr., olej. alternative petroleum technology (MichaelBurov); Accelerator Porosity Tool (Schlumberger MichaelBurov)
skr., papier. agency pass-through
skr., poczt. Advanced Postal Teller; Apartment (Secondary Unit Designator - type of residential or commercial unit mail is sent to); Automated Postal Teller
skr., polim. automatically programmed tool
skr., prod. as purchased ton (на закупаемую тонну [сырья] Holly Golightly)
skr., przestrz. advanced propulsion test; automated powerplant test
skr., roln. absolute pain tolerance level
skr., ropa / r. after polymer treatment; alternate-path technology; analog program tape; annular pressure transducer; automatic parameter tester; automatic position telemetry; automatic programmed term; automatic programming for tools; afterpeak tank; annual planning templates (serz); automatic programming tools
skr., rozsz. Automatic Programmed Tool
skr., sach. Additional Profits Tax
skr., sieć. application programming tools; Advanced Parallel Technology
skr., spraw. Association for the Prevention of Torture
skr., szkoc.ang. Advanced Platform Technologies; Armour-Piercing, Tracer; Automatically Programmed Tools
skr., technol. all-picture transfer; Advanced persistent threat
skr., telekom. Asia-Pacific Telecommunication Union
skr., transp. Advanced Passenger Train (fiuri2)
skr., wojsk. armor-piercing with tracer
skr., wojsk., lotn. A aptitude area; acquisition, pointing and tracking
skr., zaut. all picture transfer (ssn); application programming tools (ssn); advance per tooth
techn. accelerator-produced tritium; acquisition, pointing and tracking; after peak tank; asymmetric impulse train; automatic picture taking; automatic plotting table; automatic programming tool; avalanche phototransistor; average propagation time
wojsk. airman proficiency test; Airport; airport tower; applications pilot test; armed propaganda team; Army parachute team; Army pay table; automatic picture transmission
apt. skr.
skr. apartment (Clepa)
: 10 do fraz, 5 tematyki