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posp. take in (It was an interesting lecture but there was just too much to take in. cambridge.org); adopt (a custom, manner, etc.); assimilate; imbibe; gripe; learn (You've got to learn it, Darren – Josh is not the role model for you, okay? ART Vancouver); internalize; co-opt (plushkina); come to understand (Together the boys have come to understand how best to communicate with one another. ART Vancouver); digest; get (Asterite); grasp; get a grip on (Savielia); learn from (что-либо A.Rezvov); absorb (absorb something: to take something into the mind and learn or understand it. synonym take in. It's a lot of information to absorb all at once. It took me several days to absorb the fact of her death. They spent a week in Paris just absorbing the atmosphere. OALD Alexander Demidov); get the understanding (наконец; после чьих-то стараний, когда кто-то этого добился Анна Ф); acquire (a habit, instinct, etc.); make habitual; get the hang (что-то); get the hang of (что-то)
amer. get the hang of (что к чему; After three weeks of using this computer I think I've finally got the hang of it. Val_Ships)
biochem. consume (igisheva)
daw. appropriate; inculcate; take possession (of); ingratiate
eduk. successfully internalize (the children have successfully internalized the concept / curriculum ART Vancouver); acquire (знания); obtain (знания); master (знания)
ekon. learn from (у кого-либо A.Rezvov)
Gruzovik, daw. appropriate (pf of усваивать, усвоять); take possession of (pf of усваивать, усвоять); inculcate in (pf of усваивать, усвоять)
idiom. get something down (Баян)
mat. become familiar (with); master
усвоиться czas.
posp. acquire; adopt; assimilate; digest; learn; master; sit well (желудком; this cake isn't sitting well grafleonov); be absorbed (

Approximately 70%–90% of vitamin C is absorbed at moderate intakes of 30–180 mg/day. › factsheets › VitaminC-HealthProfessional

nih.gov Konstantin Uzhinsky)
daw. appropriate; inculcate; take possession (of)
dial. feel at home; get accustomed (to); get used (to)
Gruzovik, dial. get accustomed to (pf of усваиваться); get used to (pf of усваиваться); feel at home (pf of усваиваться)
przen. sink in (о мысли, впечатлении и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
усвоенный ims. przym.
posp. adopted; assimilated
psych. acquired; internalized (kann_sein)
: 85 do fraz, 21 tematyki
Amerykański używanie1
Broń masowego rażenia1
Cytaty i aforyzmy1
Obsługa gastronomiczna i catering1
Przetwarzanie danych1
Publikatory środki masowego przekazu1
Sztuczna inteligencja2
Technika i technologia1
Tłumaczenie wyjaśniające1