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Gruzovik at the very beginning
posp. from the beginning; from the first; from the outset; from the very beginning; from square one; from the off; from the very first jump; from the very first (I was just a little suspicious from the very first, but I dare say I should have gone on being puzzled indefinitely if you hadn't handed me that flat piece of wax.); from the word go; right from the start (raf); from day one (lexicographer); since day one (lexicographer); out of the chute (at the start; at the very beginning КГА); at the first go-off; from the get-go (They've had trouble from the get-go. • I told you from the get-go that the Washington Redskins were going to win the Superbowl. Tanya Gesse); from the offset (same as from the outset felog); embryonically (Zorky Vzor); from the jump; anew (Alexander Demidov); back to the drawing board (Taras); out of the gate (Taras); out of the gates (Taras); from the early inception (Dan von Winterfell); from the very start (Ыртыр-Пыртыр); initially; right from the very start (ART Vancouver); tо begin with (Громовая Екатерина); from the onset (That the British tabloid press almost from the onset came to call this the 'Rundstedt Offensive' hardly was far-fetched. tarantula); right out the gate (Taras); for a kick off (Taras); since its inception (Taras); since the very beginning (Johnny Bravo); all along (в знач. "всё это время": I knew all along that it was a lie. • I told everyone: my mother, my sister, my relatives and my friends. And they all said: "Man, we knew that all along."); right from the beginning (ART Vancouver); ab incunabulis (Taras); off the starting blocks (Immediately; at or from the very starting position. Starting blocks are where runners are positioned at the beginning of a race. – Off the blocks, the company's latest video game console has proven wildly popular. Bullfinch); off the blocks (Immediately; at or from the very starting position. Starting blocks are where runners are positioned at the beginning of a race. – Off the blocks, the company's latest video game console has proven wildly popular. We're aiming to be the first one off the starting blocks with mixed-reality technology. Bullfinch); right from the onset (tarantula); at the outset (Stas-Soleil); historically (dimock); in the first place (Ivan Pisarev); up front
Игорь Миг since the onset of; ever since the onset of
amer. from the ground up
chem. from scratch
gen. de novo (напр., синтез макромолекулы из максимально простых предшественников в противоположность синтезу из каких-либо метаболитов сложного строения или возникновение (но не наследование от родителей) хромосомной перестройки dimock)
idiom. right out of the gate (Alexey Lebedev); off the bat (VLZ_58); on the front-end (thefreedictionary.com juribt); out the gate (Out the gate, the company's latest video game console has proven wildly popular. fddhhdot)
idiom., nief. right from the jump (Баян)
makar. from the very outset
mat. from the very outset
nauk. right from the beginning
nief. right from the get-go (I knew right from the get-go this was a non-starter. – что из этого ничего не выйдет / что ничего не получится ART Vancouver); out of the blocks (Аллюзия на starting blocks – стартовые колодки: The European Union's vaccination program has been slow out of the blocks and plagued by supply issues. cnn.com Ramzess); out of the starting blocks (Аллюзия на starting blocks – стартовые колодки: The European Union's vaccination program has been slow out of the blocks and plagued by supply issues. cnn.com Ramzess)
patent., łac. ab origin
piłk. off the mark (Featus)
prakt., łac. ab initio
prawo pr. since our inception (вводные слова Ольга Матвеева)
prod. grassroot (adgabyshev)
publ. ab ovo
relig. ab incunabuiis; de novo
slang from the git-go; from the gitget-go; gitgo (Hапр.: 'I never believed that boy's BS story from the gitgo.' Franka_LV); from git-go (Interex); from day dot (urbandictionary.com Nuraishat)
sport from the start
związk. from the inception (Кунделев)
łac. a priori (изначально, до опыта Franka_LV); ab incunabulis
łac., makar. ab origine
с самого начала: 135 do fraz, 29 tematyki
Amerykański używanie3
Animacje i filmy animowane1
Cytaty i aforyzmy1
Inżynieria elektryczna1
Inżynieria mechaniczna2
Język łaciński1
Kontrola jakości i standardy1
Prawo morskie i prawo morza1
Technika i technologia1