
   Rosyjski Angielski
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do fraz
споры продолжаютсяakcenty
posp. debates persist (Ivan Pisarev); there is lingering controversy (Ivan Pisarev); arguments still rage (Ivan Pisarev); there are ongoing disputes (Ivan Pisarev); there is still a debate (Ivan Pisarev); there is still a heated discussion (Ivan Pisarev); there's been much discussion (Ivan Pisarev); disputes continue (Ivan Pisarev); there continues to be some debate (Ivan Pisarev); there is an ongoing debate (Ivan Pisarev); there is a continuing discussion (Ivan Pisarev); controversy continues (Ivan Pisarev); no-one can even agree (Ivan Pisarev); there is still a debate going on over (Ivan Pisarev); there is disagreement (Ivan Pisarev); debate continues over (Ivan Pisarev); there has been a dispute over (Ivan Pisarev); is still debated (Ivan Pisarev); there is an ongoing discussion (Ivan Pisarev)
спор продолжается
publ. argument continues (bigmaxus); argument runs (bigmaxus)
споры продолжаются
: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki