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снятие наклепаakcenty
hutn. hardeningrecovery (Recovery The recovery stage is the first stage of annealing. This stage occurs when the metal is first subjected to heat. The dislocation density and grain distortion in the material is little affected by this stage of annealing. However, the recovery stage eliminates most of the residual stresses in the material. One can think of this as the heat relaxing the built up tension in the material. Much electrical conductivity is restored in the material as well. The recovery stage permits the dislocations to move slightly and form what is known as the polygonized subgrain structure.: Отжиги 1-го рода: гомогенизационный или диффузионный – для устранения или уменьшения дендритной ликвации, рекристаллизационный – для устранения наклепа, отжиг для снятия внутренних (остаточных) напряжений. google.com DRE)
снятие наклёпа
hutn. release of work hardening
makar. relief of work hardening
torp. relief of work; relieving of work; relief of hardening; relieving of hardening