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озаботить czas.akcenty
Gruzovik worry (pf of озабочивать)
posp. preoccupy; cause anxiety; trouble; cause someone anxiety
Игорь Миг, nief. give a headache
озаботиться czas.
Gruzovik attend to (pf of озабочиваться); see to (pf of озабочиваться); take care of (pf of озабочиваться); look after (pf of озабочиваться)
posp. see to; look after; take care of; be concerned (Andrey Truhachev)
makar. attend to; become concerned (about, over); take care
mat. attend (to); take care (of); see (to)
sark. develop a concern (I don't trust Mayor Sweeney and his council, after the election, to carry through with this policy. It's no coincidence that they have all of a sudden developed a concern about low-income tenants being displaced by developers. – ни с того, ни с сего озаботились ART Vancouver)
: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki
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