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Gruzovik press on (impf of надавить); squeeze a number of (impf of надавить); squash (all or a number of); mash a quantity of (impf of надавить)
posp. press out; tramp down (на педаль); pressure (cognachennessy); mash (a quantity of); squash; tramp (на педаль и т.п.); push; squeeze (a number of); jam; press (with acc. or на + acc., on); bear hard
Gruzovik, nief. swat (impf of надавить); crush to death a number of (impf of надавить)
makar. tread; tramp down (на педаль и т. п.)
nief. crush to death (a number of)
polit. lean (User)
надавливаться czas.
posp. mash (a quantity of); press; squash; squeeze (a number of)
nief. swat; crush to death (a number of)
: 5 do fraz, 3 tematyki
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