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курсовая работаakcenty
posp. thesis (это диплом (выпускная квалификационная работа), а не курсовая Ivan Pisarev); term thesis (AD Alexander Demidov); yearly essay (pancake); end-of-year paper (Alexander Demidov); course work (Course work is work that students do during a course, rather than in exams, especially work that counts towards a student's final grade. Collins CoBuild: It encourages my child to attend college regularly and punctually and keep up with the course work. During this time, I received official transcripts of all my course work at the University of Massachusetts. Part of their course work involves creating actual marketing pieces for their portfolios. Academic undergraduate curricula would have to be re-scheduled to incorporate time for acupuncture at the expense of other course work. University is difficult enough with rigorous course work, steep fees and social demands, but try to imagine attending while severely disabled. Many colleges and universities do not require or encourage course work in gerontology. Whether it is a case of being overloaded with course work or one of simple procrastination matters little. One respondent stated that course work is offered using a traditional classroom setting. The grant is not intended to be used to pursue course work toward a degree or for ongoing projects. The trend towards course work and modular exams certainly helps girls. WordHippo Alexander Demidov; это не курсовая работа. Описанное в тексте явление course work - это просто учеба. Ivan Pisarev)
eduk. senior thesis (the term depends on the individual university markushe); honors paper (the term depends on the individual university markushe); final project (the term depends on the individual university markushe; final project - это диплом или выпускная квалификационная работа. неправильное употребление Ivan Pisarev); final paper (the term depends on the individual university markushe); capstone project (the term depends on the individual university markushe); capstone paper (the term depends on the individual university markushe); term work (Johnny Bravo); course paper (источник – Speak better Russian. A conversation manual. George Rubinstein; ссылка – yojik.eu Alex_Odeychuk); term paper (wikipedia.org spanishru); course project (Johnny Bravo)
kasp. inquiries, investigations and immersion (название предметов в старшей средней школе на Филиппинах и США Yeldar Azanbayev)
mat. student's essay
przedm. annual project (Ivan Pisarev); term paper (источник – Speak better Russian. A conversation manual. George Rubinstein; ссылка – yojik.eu Ivan Pisarev); term project (Ivan Pisarev)
wojsk. coursework (As per Oxford dictionary "Coursework" is defined as written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, usually assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade. Киселев)
курсовая работа
: 12 do fraz, 5 tematyki