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Матерь Божья!akcenty
amer. Hachi Machi! (expression of surprise or intense emotion taken from the 1990's animated series "The Critic" Taras); Dear Mary! (Taras); Holy Hannah! (Taras); Mary, Mother of God! (восклицание крайнего удивления, досады и т.п. Taras)
ekspr. holy Mother of God! (восклицание досады, удивления и т.п. igisheva); Holy Mother of Jesus! (восклицание досады, удивления и т.п. igisheva)
epit. oh, Mother shit! (Am.E. Taras); Mother shit! (Am.E. Taras)
Матерь Божья
chrz. Virgin Mother (Andrey Truhachev); Theotokos (Andrey Truhachev); Blessed Virgin Mary (*the ~*: "In St. Bruno, Quebec, children on a farm saw a cloud come from the sky, from which came the Blessed Virgin Mary who spoke to them about peace and brotherhood; late July 1968." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
relig. Lady; mother of God (Tink)
Матерь Божья
: 10 do fraz, 3 tematyki