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posp. look alive!; come along; hurry! (Andrey Truhachev); look sharp about it! (VLZ_58); hustle up; shake a leg; sharp's the word!
amer. give it wings (maratustra)
grub. get the lead out of your ass! (MichaelBurov); get the lead out! (MichaelBurov); get the lead out of your pants! (MichaelBurov)
makar. get the lead out of your pants!
nief. get cracking (VLZ_58); make it snappy! (ART Vancouver); snap it up! (ART Vancouver); on the double! (MichaelBurov)
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posp. sharp's the word; jump upon it; make haste; step on it; hurry up! (Andrey Truhachev)
figur. light a fire under it (Baihu)
idiom. don't spare the horses (Get this bloodwork to the lab and don't spare the horses – it's urgent. thefreedictionary.com Kalaus)
makar. don't let flies stick to your heels
nief. Shift yourself! (Andrey Truhachev)
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posp. hustle up; hurry up; press on; stir stumps; get a wiggle on; jump to it; get cracking (Anglophile); come along; come on; look sharp (BrE, informal) used in orders to tell sb to be quick or to hurry • You'd better look sharp or you'll be late. OALD Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik, nief. make haste; hurry
idiom. get on the ball (Taras)
makar. use one's legs
makar., amer. shake a foot; shake a toe; shake one's bones
nief. get a move on; hurry; stir one's stumps; get weaving (VLZ_58)
nief., brytań. get one's skates on (lop20); put one's skates on
przen. put on steam
slang shake a leg
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posp. hurry along; hurry on; hurry up; rush someone off his feet (Anglophile); expedite; speed; hurry; hustle up
Игорь Миг force one's hand
Gruzovik, nief. urge on
makar. set spurs to
nief. urge on
przen. put spurs to
slang chivvy along (кого-либо Beforeyouaccuseme)
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posp. hurry up!; get a move on!
brytań. cut off (macrugenus)
nief. hustle up!
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posp. step lively
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rub. rattle your dags (gauma)
: 10 do fraz, 3 tematyki