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Gruzovik repaint (pf of перекрашивать); recolor (pf of перекрашивать); redye (pf of перекрашивать); dye again (pf of перекрашивать); color all or a number of (pf of перекрашивать); paint all or a number of (pf of перекрашивать); dye all or a number of (pf of перекрашивать)
posp. skew; color; dye; dye again; paint (all or many things); to recolor; recolour; redye; colour (всё или много)
перекраситься czas.
posp. change color
chem. restain (I_am_here)
dosł. change colour (Anglophile); color; paint; recolor; recolour; repaint
dosł., nief. dye again (особ. о волосах); redye (особ. о волосах); change one's hair back to (о волосах: Why did you change your hair back to blonde?); dye (особ. о волосах: You even dyed your hair blonde after you found out that's what he likes.); dye one's hair (особ. о волосах: After the show, she changed her hair color to dark blonde.)
figur. sail under false colours (Anglophile); become a turncoat (His one-time admirers now accused him of being a turncoat.); change one's skin (В.И.Макаров); flip-flop (образно Nicholay_mase); turn coat (идеологически: He was a Democrat for 70 years, then quickly turned coat and huckstered you into voting for him. Баян); change one's colors (за вариант спасибо Эрику 4uzhoj); change one's colours (за вариант спасибо Эрику 4uzhoj)
figur., daw. turn one's coat (dated) To change one's allegiance or affiliation (especially in politics) for personal gain or advantage: A good politician will espouse the most hard-line stance of his party's political ideologies, but a successful politician knows when to turn his coat.)
przen., nief. hide one’s true colors
перекрашенный ims. przym.
chem. repainted
moda. overdyed (о джинсах, сшитых из окрашенной ткани, а затем, в виде готового изделия, покрашенных в другой цвет zara-ru.com BabaikaFromPechka)
włók. duplicate stained; redyed
: 14 do fraz, 6 tematyki
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