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posp. get in touch (with someone – с кем-либо: Keep trying to get in touch with that plane. 4uzhoj); make contact (with someone – с кем-либо Bullfinch); be in touch (4uzhoj); be contactable again (напр., после долгого молчания 4uzhoj); reach out (to attempt to initiate communication with someone) 4uzhoj); go on air (в эфир 4uzhoj); hear from (требует изменения структуры предложения: We haven't heard from our source in two weeks. – Наш источник не выходит на связь уже две недели. 4uzhoj); listen out (на радиосвязь; источник dimock)
makar. establish contact
policj. log into service (по рации, после перерыва: I assumed I was doing this over maybe 15 or so minutes, but when logging into service again I discovered I was at that location for over an hour. (outkick.com) ART Vancouver)
radio check in (по радио Oleg Sollogub); come in (по радио Johnny Bravo)
rzad. come through (4uzhoj)
żarg. come on the radio (When the A6 came on the radio saying he had been hit and his co-pilot had been hurt, the Captain was notified. 4uzhoj)
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: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki