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crest [krest] rzecz.
posp. Krete schweiz.; Wappe; UEberlaufkrone f; Bergrücken m; Büschel n; Gipfel m; Gipfelpunkt m; Haube f; Kamm m; Mähne f; Scheitelpunkt m; Wellenkamm m; Helmzierde f; Höhepunkt m
bizn. Wappen n
fiz. Scheitel m (e.g. of the wave); Spitzenwert m (value)
geol. Grat m
hutn. Rillenkamm m
med. Crista n; Leiste f (crista)
opt. Scheitelwert m; Spitze f
przem., bud., hutn. Monogramm n
techn. Scheitelwert m (value); First m; Kuppe m; Maximum n
transp., bud. Dammkante f; Deichkante f
crest value [krest] rzecz.
fiz. Gipfelwert m (e.g. of the wave); Scheitelwert m (e.g. of the wave)
crest top of roof [krest] rzecz.
posp. Dachfirst m
crest of slope [krest] rzecz.
transp. Scheitel m
crest [krest] czas.
posp. den Höhepunkt erreichen; erklimmen; Krone Wehr, Welle; den Gipfel erreichen; den Höchststand erreichen
anat. Leiste
anat., ornit. Kamm (der Vögel)
broń. Helm; Helmbusch
bud. Scheitel (Bogen, Gewölbe); Krone (Stauanlagen); Schwelle; Dammfuß; Böschungskante; Dachfirst; Dachgrat
geol. Rücken; Scheitet
med. Kamm (crista); Rand (crista); Christa (crista); Knochenleiste (crista)
paleont. Chitinleiste; Innenleiste; innere Schloßleiste
roln. Federbusch; Schopf
techn. Krone; Bergkamm; Hahnenkamm; Kopf (Schraube); Spitze (Schneckengewinde)
turyst. Felsengrat
żegl. Wellenspitze; Wellenberg
crests czas.
posp. erklimmt
paleont. Fortsätze; Segmentalleisten
crest of slope [krest] czas.
transp. Schwelleder Böschung
crests [krest] czas.
bud. Dachkamm
 Angielski tezaurus
CREST [krest] skr.
skr. Capital Region Emergency Services Telecommunications; Center For Renewable Energy And Sustainable Technology; Children Receiving Emotional and Social Therapy; City Resources Employing Students Today; Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce; Combined Regional Emergency Services Training; Corporate Real Estate Services Training; Courteous Reliable Empathetic Superior And Timely; Courteous, Reliable, Empathetic, Superior, And Timely; Crest Radio Emergency Service Teams; Cupertino Recognizes Extra Steps Taken
skr., bank. CREST is the major UK securities settlement system for UK equities, government bonds and a range of other securities. (http://www.rbs.co.uk/corporate/electronic-services/g5/crest.ashx aht)
skr., elektron. cost and resource estimating system
skr., fizj. Calcinosis, Raynauds, Esophagus, Sclerodactyly, And Telangiectasia
skr., fizj., med. Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia; Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Stenting Trial
skr., giełd. Commercial Real Estate Structured Transaction
skr., med. Calcinosis, Raynaud Phenomenon, Esophageal Involvement, Sclerodactyly, And Telangiectasia (syndrome); Carotid Revascularization And Endarterectomy Vs Stent Trial; calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (cluster of features of systemic sclerosis scleroderma); calcinosis raynaud esophagus sclerosis teleangiectasiae
skr., opiek., med. Collaborative Resources Evolving Services Treatment
skr., praw. Constitutional Rights Enforcement And Support Team
skr., radio, nauk. Citizens Radio Emergency Service Teams
skr., szkoc.ang. Center for Research & studies on Strategy & Technology (USA); Committee of Scientific & Technological Research; Comprehensive Radar Effects Simulator Trainer; Consolidated Reporting & Evaluating Subsystem, Tactical
skr., wojsk. casualty and resource estimation support tool
techn. Committee on Reactor Safety and Technology
wojsk. combat reporting system; Covert Reconnaissance/Strike; crew escape and rescue techniques; crew escape technology
CREST [krest] skr.
skr., przestrz. Center for Research in Earth and Space Technology; crew-escape and rescue techniques
skr., przetw. Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (Alex_Odeychuk)
skr., ropa / r. Committee for Scientific and Technical Research
: 371 do fraz, 36 tematyki
Badania i rozwój1
Entomologia, owadoznawstwo2
Generowanie elektryczności1
Handel zagraniczny1
Inżynieria mechaniczna6
Nauka o ziemi10
Nauki o życiu18
Nauki przyrodnicze1
Ochrona środowiska1
Opieka zdrowotna1
Pomoc medyczna w nagłych przypadkach1
Promieniowanie radioaktywne3
Technika i technologia30
Technologia informacyjna2
Urządzenia pomiarowe1
Zasoby naturalne i ochrona dzikiej przyrody8