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 Angielski tezaurus
cl skr.
biol. clavicle; closure; clove
chem. chlorine
górn. cylinder
inżyn. coil
kartogr. clay
med. clear (Vosoni)
polim. centiliter; class
roln. clutch
skr. centilitre (volume); call (Vosoni); carload (Vosoni); chemical leanness (химическая постность pelipejchenko); claim; classification; clause; clearance; close; cloth; conceptual level
skr., med. clone
skr., med., łac. cutis laxa
skr., nauka o z. clay slate
skr., ropa / r. clastic; clayey; clerk; collect
technol. closed
cl. skr.
praw. claim; clause
skr. class
skr., bibliot. Clarendon; cloth
skr., ekon. clerk
skr., hand. carload lot; classification; closure; collection
skr., nauka o z. centre line; clay
skr., okręt. centiliter
skr., ropa / r. clayey
CL skr.
komp., technol. Connectionless
skr. Champions League; Chicken Little; Civil Litigation; Common Lisp; Community Leader; Company Logo; check list; Cabin Lighting; Cable Links; Case Laboratories; Caseous Lymphadenitis; Catherine Lockhart; Clinical Leaflet; Clock Latency; Column Address Strobe Latency (CAS, IC); Combat Level; Combat Load; Combi Limousine; Compliance Letter; Conference Location; Congressional Library; ConnectionLess (CO); Contact Line; Conversion Layer (HiperLAN/2, UMTS); Core Image Library; CSSCS Lightweight Computer Unit; Culham Lab; Current Layer; credit line (oVoD); CAS latency
skr., biol. corpus lutetium
skr., biot. corpus graviditatis
skr., bizn. calibre; capital loss; centilitre; Civil Law; collection; continuous line
skr., broń. current limiting
skr., bryt.ang. centre line
skr., chłodz. condenser line
skr., elektron. calling line; child level; circuit layout; circumscription logic; class loader; cleaving; coherent light; cold link; collimator lens; communications link; compression library; Compton laser; condenser lens; continuous laser; control layer; core link; correlation length; counter logic; crystal loss; cylinder lens
skr., elektron., nauk. Cathodoluminescence
skr., fizj., med. Chlorine; Clavicle; Clean; Closed; Contact Lens
skr., giełd. Colgate Palmolive Company
skr., ginek. Corpus Luteum (IanKollis)
skr., gleb. calcisol; clay loam
skr., hand. call money; callable loan
skr., hutn. campaign life
skr., inżyn. connecting lines; contact loss
skr., jazd. crank length
skr., kard. cycle length (Баян)
skr., komun. crosstalk loss
skr., krio. condensation level
skr., księg. current liabilities
skr., kynol. canine leptospirosis
skr., lab. Common List
skr., lotn. Cabin Log (журнал замечаний по пассажирской кабине Zealot2002); climb (Interex); clip (Interex); cloud (Interex); change level; compass locator; crack length; centerline/cutterline data; change letter; China Life; closing; component location; connecting line; control laws; cruise altitude; cutter line
skr., makar. lethal concentration
skr., mat., nauk. Confidence Level
skr., mater. caprolactam
skr., med. Cardiolipin; Cell Line; Chest And Left Arm (lead In Electrocardiography); Childhood Leukemia; Chronic Leukemia; Cirrhosis Of Liver; Cleft Lip; Composite Lymphoma; Constant Region Of Light Chain Of Immunoglobulin Molecule; Lung Compliance; Chloride; Clearance (Клиренс или коэффициент очищения Alexx B); capillary lumen; caution light; Clearing Station; Clostridium; component life; criterion level
skr., mot. closed loop; central locking; comfort luxe
skr., nauka o z. calendar line; international date line; cathode luminescence spectroscopy; cathode luminescent; ceiling light; chlorite; confidence limits; continental lithosphere; cost of land; Craik-Leibovich equations; critical latitude; Late Cretaceous
skr., okręt. communication laboratory
skr., opt. cathodoluminescence
skr., polim. center of lift; ε-caprolactone
skr., polit. Chile
skr., prawo k. correction law (igisheva); correctional law (igisheva); corrections law (igisheva)
skr., progr. coalition logic (ssn)
skr., przestrz. centreline; checklist; coefficient of lift; control limit; control logic; core logic
skr., psychiatr. Cochrane Library
skr., roln. certified litter
skr., ropa / r. caliper log; car load; chrome lignite; combustible liquid; compiler language; condensate or natural gas liquids content; constant level; Love wave velocity; cable length; carload lot; cathodoluminescence spectroscope; cathodoluminoscope; cement lined; cemented liner; chain locker; Chemical Literature; clean-non-shale formation; clinochlore; clinoptilolite; coincident loop; column; Common law; continuous line heat; continuous load; convolute lamination; core loss; correlation index; cost of living; course line; critical locus; crumpled lamellae; cut lengths; salinity; clean bill of loading
skr., rozsz. Common LISP language source code file
skr., rysun. curve length
skr., sieć. cable link; current loop
skr., spaw. weld centerline (MichaelBurov); weld center line (MichaelBurov); weld metal centerline (MichaelBurov)
skr., szkoc.ang. Central Line; Light cruiser
skr., sztuczn. Competition Learning
skr., techn. Centre Line,Central line; crane load; crew's limit
skr., technol. Command Language; Command Line; Compile And Link; Control Language; Computer Linguistics
skr., telekom. Link Connectivity; convergence layer
skr., ubezp. Center line
skr., wojsk. Light Cruiser; circular letter; Class of Supply (Denis_Sakhno)
skr., wojsk., lotn. centerline lights; circuit closing
skr., wyst. container load
skr., włók. call loan
skr., zaop. chlorinity
skr., zaut. centerline; cutter location
techn. capacitive load; cathode luminescence; cellular logic; Chemiluminescence; Cherenkov light; clearing; collimating lens; completely labeled; computer language; containment leakage; conversion loss; convertible lens; core-image library; cylindrical lens; I am closing my station; liquid crystal
transp. Carload or containerload
wojsk. catapult launched; central laboratory; chemical laboratory; chemical laser; climatic laboratory; combat and liaison; combat loss; component list; consolidated listing; contact lost; control leader; coordination level; craft loss; critical list
Cl skr.
astronaut., transp. Cl
przem. capital improvement; center island; chemical injection; cleaning index; clearing index; combustibility index; combustion intensity; complex index; components integrity; compression ignition; confidence interval; confidential information; configuration interaction; containment integrity; containment isolation; control and instrumentation; conventional island; core internals; corrugated iron; curtailment index
skr. chloride (Vosoni); clinozoisite; Conservation International; monocentric; first generation of vegetative propagation
skr., chem. chlorine (MichaelBurov)
skr., med. chlorine
skr., nauka o z. lower carboniferous
skr., ropa / r. caliper; claystone; cleavage; climatology; coal
skr., tworz. circuits per layer
stat. Confidence limit (Ying)
Cl. skr.
skr. classifier; clarinet
skr., nauka o z. cleavage
łac. Clericus (Clerico, "cleric")
Cl- skr.
skr., nazw. Chloride
Cl* skr.
skr., elektron. chlorine radical