
Terminy według tematyki Microsoftu zawierające application | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
abstract application definitionabstrakte Anwendungsdefinition (The abstract type of an application, which defines common characteristics of a class of applications)
accounting applicationBuchhaltungsanwendung (A program that helps a user perform tasks related to accounting)
active attract applicationaktive Blickfanganwendung (The attract application that is configured to show when users start new user sessions on a Surface unit. You can add many attract applications to a Surface unit, but only one can be the active attract application)
affiliate applicationPartneranwendung (" A logical entity in Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO), defined by the administrator, that represents a system or subsystem such as a host, back-end system, or line-of-business application to which you are connecting using SSO. An affiliate application can represent a non-Windows system such as a mainframe or UNIX computer. It can also represent an application such as SAP, or a subdivision of the system, such as the "Benefits" or "Pay stub" sub-systems.")
application adapterAnwendungsadapter (An adapter created to work with a specific application or protocol)
Application AdministratorAnwendungsadministrator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can perform both the Application Deployment Manager role and the Application Author role)
Application AgentAnwendungs-Agent (An agent that monitors checkpoints for potential threats making changes to your installed applications, such as modifying Internet Explorer or downloading ActiveX applications from the Internet)
application approvalGenehmigung von Anwendungen (An additional action that is required after an end user requests an application and before the application becomes available for deployment)
Application Assemblies GalleryGalerie für Anwendungsassemblys (The site collection level gallery containing the binary assemblies that are used by code method business data actions, or External Data Parts)
Application AuthorAnwendungsautor (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, modify, and retire applications)
application backgroundAnwendungshintergrund (The background area of an application window)
application baseAnwendungsbasis (The directory where the .exe file that loads into the initial or default application domain is located. If you create your own application domain, the application base is the location you specify in the AppDomainSetup class)
application basketBewerbungskorb (A list of applications reviewed by human resource personnel)
application calendarAnwendungskalender (A time period concept that matches the practices that are used in your company)
Application Catalog web service pointAnwendungskatalog-Webdienstpunkt (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides application information from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website)
Application Catalog website pointAnwendungskatalog-Websitepunkt (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides users with a list of available software from the Application Catalog)
application compatibilityAnwendungskompatibilität (The concept of ensuring that older applications still run correctly under newer operating systems)
application compatibility databaseAnwendungskompatibilitäts-Datenbank (A database that contains a list of applications that may have potential compatibility problems and remedies. When an application starts, Windows checks this database to configure system options to minimize compatibility problems)
Application Compatibility ToolkitAnwendungskompatibilitäts-Toolkit (A suite of tools that enables software developers, independent software vendors (ISVs), and enterprise IT professionals to determine whether their applications are compatible with a new version of Windows before rolling it out to the company. ACT also enables such individuals to determine how Windows security updates may impact their applications)
application configuration fileAnwendungskonfigurationsdatei (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
application databaseAnwendungsdatenbank (The database that stores user and system data for one application. The application database contains the events, subscriptions, and notifications for the application. It also contains system metadata, including the schemas for the events, subscriptions, and notifications for the application; and the match rules for the application)
application definitionAnwendungsdefinition (A design-time description of an "atomic" deployable application layer system that offers and/or consumes services)
application definition fileAnwendungsdefinitionsdatei (An XML file that fully describes a single Notification Services application. The ADF file contains the schemas for the events, subscriptions, and notifications; the rules for matching events with subscriptions; and may provide the name of the XSLT file used to format generated notifications)
Application Deployment ManagerAnwendungsbereitstellungs-Manager (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can deploy and monitor applications)
Application DesignerAnwendungs-Designer (One of the Distributed System Designers that comprise Team Architect. The Application Designer is used to design individual applications that comprise an application system)
application development environmentAnwendungsentwicklungsumgebung (An integrated suite of programs for use by software developers. Typical components of application development environments include a compiler, file browsing system, debugger, and text editor for use in creating programs)
application development languageAnwendungsentwicklungssprache (A computer language designed for creating applications. The term is usually restricted to refer to languages with specific high-level constructs geared toward record design, form layout, database retrieval and update, and similar tasks)
Application DiagnosticsAnwendungsdiagnose (A feature for monitoring the performance of code and providing the monitoring information back to a user in a consumable format)
Application Diagnostics navigation paneApplication Diagnostics-Navigationsbereich (The resizable navigation pane on which you can access the filtering and reporting capabilities of Application Diagnostics)
Application Diagnostics preview paneApplication Diagnostics-Vorschaufenster (The pane that displays the Event Properties tab of the Event dialog box)
Application Diagnostics toolbar areaApplication Diagnostics-Symbolleistenbereich (The area where the toolbar options provide all of the tools that you require to control the quantity and type of information to display in Application Diagnostics)
Application Diagnostics view paneApplication Diagnostics-Ansichtsbereich (The view pane that provides a list of selected events)
application diagramAnwendungsdiagramm (The diagram used to visualize, define, connect, and configure applications in the solution. The application diagram (.ad) file contains information based on the System Definition Model (SDM))
application displayAnwendungsanzeige (The screen (the Surface screen or an attached external monitor) where user mode will appear when you are calibrating the unit)
application domainAnwendungsdomäne (A boundary that the common language runtime establishes around objects created within the same application scope (that is, anywhere along the sequence of object activations beginning with the application entry point). Application domains help isolate objects created in one application from those created in other applications so that run-time behavior is predictable. Multiple application domains can exist in a single process)
application domain hostAnwendungsdomänenhost (A host on which the application domain is located)
application endpointAnwendungsendpunkt (An endpoint at which an application provides or uses a service and is of provider or consumer type, respectively)
Application Error MonitoringAnwendungsfehlerüberwachung (A System Center Essentials that provides agentless monitoring of application exceptions on clients. Managed computers can generate and send an error report upon detection of applications errors)
Application Error ReportingAnwendungsfehler-Berichterstattung (A tool that compiles a detailed report in the event that an Office program crashes and either directs the user to a potential solution (for known problems) or transmits the report to Microsoft for investigation (with user permission))
application exclusionAnwendungsausschluss (A feature that enables the license issuer to specify the application ID of those players on which to disallow the use of the packaged files)
application exclusive timeexklusive Anwendungszeit (The time spent in function to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes, excluding time spent in items it calls and excluding time spent in transitions)
application extension servicesAnwendungserweiterungsdienste (In Silverlight, classes that extend the application model by providing services that can participate in the application life cycle)
application flowAnwendungsfluss (A map or diagram that outlines the flow of an application from one screen or piece of UI to the next)
Application Flow panelBereich "Anwendungsfluss" (A panel that displays the application flow of a prototype project)
Application Frameworks resourcesAnwendungsframework-Ressourcen (A set of programs, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and scripts that enable users to install virtual applications and Web applications during the deployment of a service)
application iconAnwendungssymbol (A small static image or graphic that represents an application)
Application Impact TelemetryAnwendungswirkungstelemetrie (A sub-feature of Application Telemetry whose goal is to gather information on how applications use features exposed by the operating system (COM objects, registry, DLLs, DLL exports, etc). This data is used to better understand how a change to or removal of a Windows feature may impact applications and overall application compatibility goals. It also helps understand how features are used, and allows Microsoft to use that information in planning new features, allocating testing resources, etc)
Application Impact Telemetry AgentAnwendungswirkungstelemetrie-Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM)
application inclusive timeinklusive Anwendungszeit (The time spent in function and items it calls, excluding time spent in transitions to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes)
Application Information ServiceAnwendungsinformationsdienst (A system service that facilitates starting applications that require one or more elevated privileges to run, such as Administrative Tasks. When user requires elevated privileges to run an application and gives consent, AIS creates a new process for the application with the user's full access token)
Application InitializationAnwendungsinitialisierung (An IIS feature that enables web administrators to configure IIS to initialize web applications, so the application is ready for the first request)
application isolationAnwendungsisolation (The separation of applications by process boundaries that prevent the applications from affecting one another)
application layerAnwendungsschicht (Layer seven of the OSI model, the layer at which applications access network services. This layer represents the services that directly support applications, such as software for file transfer, database access, and e-mail)
application layerAnwendungsebene (A set of application models that take precedence over application models that are in lower application layers. The lowest layer is named SYS)
Application Layer EnforcementErzwingung der Anwendungsschicht (An operation of Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which provides enforcement for security policies by, in each case, trapping the event, determine what application initiated it, and query the filter engine to determine whether the socket should be allowed to proceed)
application-level add-inAdd-In auf Anwendungsebene (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application. The modifications are available to the application at all times)
application library cachingZwischenspeichern der Anwendungsbibliothek (In Silverlight, a feature that enables applications to use external library assemblies retrieved from the server or from the local browser cache)
application licenseanwendungsbezogene Lizenz (A license that authorizes protection of file and application resources on a single server)
application life cycleAnwendungslebenszyklus (The stages an application used in an organization goes through: deployable, installable, executable, and executing)
application logAnwendungsprotokoll (A record of events that are generated by the applications running on a system)
application manifestAnwendungsmanifest (An XML document that describes requirements for an application. The application manifest can be a separate file or embedded in the application's .exe file)
application mapAnwendungszuordnung (A mapping between file name extensions and HTTP request handlers that enables Web hosting applications to determine which handler responds to requests for specific types of files)
application migrationAnwendungsmigration (The movement of the structure and metadata of an application from one system to another)
application modeAnwendungsmodus (The mode of a Surface unit when an application is running. Only one application appears on a Surface screen at a time. The application displays on the entire screen)
application modelAnwendungsmodell (Within a single application layer, a model that includes a specific set of developer elements such as classes, tables, and forms)
Application NoteAnwendungshinweis (A technical article, written and distributed by Microsoft, that provides additional information about a Microsoft product or a fix for a known issue. May include a disk that contains new software, documentation, or sample files)
application notificationAnwendungsbenachrichtigung (A notification that starts an application at a specified time or when a system event occurs. When an application starts as the result of a notification, the system specifies a command-line parameter that identifies the event that has occurred)
application objectApplikationsobjekt (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
application objectAnwendungsobjekt (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
Application Object TreeEntwicklungsumgebung (A navigable view of the element objects in an application model)
application offliningOfflineschalten von Anwendungen (The act of downloading BCS Solutions from a SharePoint site to Outlook)
application paneAnwendungsbereich (A discrete area of a split or single window in which an application user interface is rendered)
Application Performance Monitoring agentAgent für die Überwachung der Anwendungsleistung (An agent that resides on a monitored system and gathers exception and performance information from a monitored application and reports it to the APM service)
Application Planning and Design GuideHandbuch für Anwendungsplanung und -entwurf (A supplemental document to the core application questionnaire that is intended to provide a broad overview of PerformancePoint Server)
application poolAnwendungspool (A grouping of one or more URLs served by a worker process)
Application PreloadAnwendungs-Vorabladen (An IIS extension that enables the process of automatically starting an application without a request so that initial warm-up time for the application is minimized)
application previewAnwendungsvorschau (The image, video or slide show for an application that appears in Launcher when the application is selected and appears at the center of the Launcher menu. When the application is not selected in Launcher, the application icon is displayed)
application profileAnwendungsprofil (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains instructions for installing Microsoft Server App-V, the Web Deploy tool, and Microsoft SQL Server data-tier applications and for running scripts when you deploy a virtual machine as part of a service)
application programming interfaceAnwendungsprogrammierschnittstelle (A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. These routines usually carry out maintenance tasks such as managing files and displaying information)
application prototypeAnwendungsprototyp (A template of an application definition that can be placed on the toolbox. May be pre-supplied or can be created from any application on the Application Connection Diagram and distributed for use by other users)
application provider agreementAnwendungsanbietervertrag (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application)
Application Registry ServiceAnwendungsregistrierungsdienst (A shared service in SharePoint Server that duplicates the Office SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service. The Application Registry Service supports running solutions that are based on the SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service)
Application Request RoutingRouting von Anwendungsanforderungen (A proxy-based routing and load-balancing module for IIS 7. This module uses information gathered from HTTP headers and server variables and then leverages the URL Rewrite module to make routing decisions at the application layer)
application revocationAnwendungssperre (A process by which applications that are known to be damaged or corrupted are prevented from playing any packaged files)
application roleAnwendungsrolle (A SQL Server role created to support the security needs of an application)
application rootAnwendungsstamm (The root directory for an application; all directories and files contained within the application root are considered part of the application. Also called an application starting point directory)
application scopeAnwendungsbereich (A way of making data available to all users of an application from all pages of a Web application. A variable or an object is given application scope by storing it in the Active Server Pages (ASP) application object. Application scope is useful for global data, such as a global counter)
Application serverAnwendungsserver (A component of Front End Server that provides a platform by which to deploy, host, and manage unified communications applications)
Application Server roleAnwendungsserverrolle (A role that consists of the services that provide users access to data and content. To run Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you must have at least one computer that is running the Application Server role)
application serviceAnwendungsdienst (In ASP.NET, built-in functionality for common application tasks. ASP.NET includes application services for authentication (ASP.NET membership), persistent per-user information (profile properties), and more)
application service providerApplication Service Provider (An organization that delivers a contractual service to deploy, host, manage, and provide access to an application from a facility other than the customer's site)
application settingAnwendungseinstellung (A simple key/value pair that lets you create application-wide values in a central location that can be accessed from anywhere within the Web application)
Application SettingsAnwendungseinstellungen (The name of a tab in the Web publishing wizard that enables the user to specify whether an HTML customized form should be used)
application sharingAnwendungsfreigabe (A feature that allows a user to share documents or applications with others. The user can also choose to give another person control of an application or the user's computer)
application single-threaded apartmentAnwendungs-Single-Threaded-Apartment (A single-threaded apartment the thread of which is the core UI thread for an application window)
application source data integrationIntegration von Anwendungsquelldaten (The process of taking data from a data warehouse or data mart into PerformancePoint Planning Server staging and application databases)
application stateAnwendungszustand (In ASP.NET, a variable store that is created on the server for the current application and is shared by all users. Application state is typically used to store information that is used for all users, such as application-wide settings)
application suiteAnwendungssuite (A set of application programs sold as a package, usually at a lower price than that of the individual applications sold separately. A suite for office work, for example, might contain a word processing program, a spreadsheet, a database management program, and a communications program)
Application SuiteAnwendungssuite (The set of applications from Microsoft that includes Concierge, Music, and Photos. You installed these applications by using the Application Suite Setup wizard)
application systemAnwendungssystem (A system that defines a specific and reusable configuration of applications and other systems as members. You can configure these members and describe the communication pathways between them)
Application TelemetryAnwendungstelemetrie (A system that is used to gather a wide variety of information about applications. It includes, but is not limited to, what shims are applied, what compatibility switching context is used, if PCA applies a layer, and it includes Application Impact Telemetry)
application timeAnwendungszeit (The total time after estimated kernel time has been subtracted from elapsed time)
application-to-application integrationDaten-/Funktionsintegration zwischen Anwendungen (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
application virtualizationAnwendungsvirtualisierung (The process of creating a virtual application)
Application Virtualization driveApplication Virtualization-Laufwerk (The default virtual application client drive (Q:\) from which sequenced applications are run)
Application Virtualization reportingApplication Virtualization-Berichterstellung (Virtual application information gathered for data analysis. Data is collected for assembly of custom views and interpretation)
application windowAnwendungsfenster (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the application)
Application WizardAnwendungs-Assistent (The Wizard that helps you determine how the application is presented to users. This step lets you specify an icon, modify shortcut settings, create file type associations, and run the applications so the Sequencer can collect information about the applications)
Application XMLAnwendungs-XML (An XML-based serialization format used by SharePoint-based servers to represent Access Services database applications. It includes database properties, queries, forms, reports, and macros)
ASP.NET application services databaseDatenbank für ASP.NET-Anwendungsdienste (In ASP.NET, a database that stores the data for several ASP.NET application services, including membership, Web Parts personalization, roles, and profiles. The database can be a local database in the Web site's App_Data folder or a SQL Server or other database, depending on how the site is configured)
ASP.NET Web applicationASP.NET-Webanwendung (An application that processes HTTP requests (Web requests) and executes on top ASP.NET. An ASP.NET Web application can include ASP.NET pages, XML Web services, HTTP handlers, and HTTP modules)
attract applicationBlickfanganwendung (An application that appears when a Surface unit enters Attract Mode. An attract application is similar to a screen saver that is touch-sensitive. By default, Surface units include the Water attract application)
auto style application modeAutomatische Anwendung von Formatvorlagen (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be used on a page level as well as on an inline style level. The style application mode can also be set to manual)
back-end applicationBack-End (In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the server)
basic application groupBasisanwendungsgruppe (A type of application group defined by the members included in the Members and NonMembers properties of the IAzApplicationGroup object that represents the group. Users and groups listed in the Members property are included in the application group, and users and groups listed in the NonMembers property are excluded from the application group)
BDC Service ApplicationBDC-Dienstanwendung (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
BDC Service Application ProxyAnwendungsproxy für BDC-Dienst (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Belastingdienst application programming interface The technology that is used to interface with the tax office server for submitting electronic tax declarations in the NetherlandsBelastingdienst-API (NL)
BizTalk applicationBizTalk-Anwendung (A group of related artifacts, resources, and settings that are exposed together for management from within the BizTalk Administration console. Any artifact within an application may refer to any other artifact within that application, as well as any artifact in any referenced application)
BizTalk Application Users GroupBizTalk-Anwendungsbenutzergruppe (The group of users who can access MessageBoxes for a particular BizTalk Group)
BizTalk Application viewBizTalk-Anwendungsansicht (One of two views (along with BizTalk Deployment View) that appears when the System Center Operations Manager console for BizTalk Server is opened. A BizTalk administrator uses this view to monitor the health of BizTalk artifacts and applications such as orchestrations, send ports, and receive locations)
bound applicationgebundene Anwendung (An application from within the bound system that is bound to a specific server within the target logical datacenter)
business applicationGeschäftsanwendung (A collection of Web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information)
Business ApplicationsGeschäftsanwendungen (A feature that provides Web-based applications in a central location to help businesses manage sales, customer relationships, projects, employees, and company functions)
Business Data Connectivity Service ApplicationBusiness Data Connectivity-Dienstanwendung (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
Business Data Connectivity Service Application ProxyAnwendungsproxy für Business Data Connectivity-Dienst (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
cache-enabled applicationcacheaktivierte Anwendung (An application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric cache client to store data in cache on the cache cluster)
claims-aware applicationAnsprüche unterstützende Anwendung (A Microsoft ASP .NET application that performs authorization based on the claims that are present in an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) security token)
claims-based applicationanspruchsbasierte Anwendung (An application, Web site, or service that relies on claims)
client applicationClientanwendung (Application software that gathers data from the user, prepares it for the server, and issues a request to the server. The client presents data received from the server to the user through its own user interface)
client application serviceClientanwendungsdienst (In Windows-based applications, built-in functionality to access ASP.NET application services for common application tasks, including remote login, roles, and application settings)
cluster-aware applicationclusterfähige Anwendung (An application that can run on a cluster node and that can be managed as a cluster resource. Cluster-aware applications use the Cluster API to receive status and notification information from the server cluster)
cluster-unaware applicationnicht clusterfähige Anwendung (An application that can run on a cluster node and be managed as a cluster resource but that does not support the Cluster API)
Commerce applicationCommerce-Anwendung (A Commerce Server application is a logical representation of an application in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS); it appears in both Commerce Server Manager and the IIS console trees. In the IIS console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the Web site or at a subdirectory level of the Web site)
Commerce Server applicationCommerce Server-Anwendung (A Commerce Server application is a logical representation of an application in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS); it appears in both Commerce Server Manager and the IIS console trees. In the IIS console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the Web site or at a subdirectory level of the Web site)
composite applicationVerbundanwendung (An application that consists of both client-side and Web-based components)
Configuration Manager Application CatalogConfiguration Manager-Anwendungskatalog (The web-based view of the applications that are available for a user to search, browse, request, and install)
connector applicationConnectoranwendung (For Message Queuing, an application that enables Message Queuing computers to communicate with computers that use other messaging systems)
container applicationContaineranwendung (An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application)
content applicationInhaltsanwendung (An application that is used to create content, such as a graphic design application, a computer-aided design application, or an industry-specific content generating application)
core application questionnaireFragebogen zur Anwendungserstellung (A questionnaire used to gather key information about your organization to be used as a roadmap for building your PerformancePoint Server application)
Cryptography Application Programming InterfaceKryptografie-API (An (API) that is provided as part of Microsoft Windows. CryptoAPI provides a set of functions that allow applications to encrypt or digitally sign data in a flexible manner while providing protection for the user's sensitive private key data. Actual cryptographic operations are performed by independent modules known as (CSPs))
database applicationDatenbankanwendung (A set of objects that can include tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and code modules that are designed to work together to make a database easier to use)
data-tier applicationDatenebenenanwendung (A application that captures the SQL Server database and instance objects used by a client-server or 3-tier application)
data-tier application instanceDatenebenenanwendungsinstanz (A copy of a DAC deployed on an instance of the Database Engine. There can be multiple DAC instances on the same instance of the Database Engine)
data-tier application packageDatenebenenanwendungspaket (An XML manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the DAC; the package gets created when a developer builds a DAC project)
desktop applicationDesktopanwendung (An application that is meant to run on a desktop computer)
Duet end-user applicationDuet-Anwendung für Endbenutzer (A set of metadata and code artifacts that together enable a specific business scenario on top of the mySAP ERP 2004 system. For example, Budget Monitoring, Leave Management, Team Management, and Time Management applications)
Enterprise Application IntegrationUnternehmensanwendungsintegration (One of the integration services in Windows Azure that enables connections between different systems using multiple and varied message formats)
enterprise application integrationIntegration von Unternehmensanwendungen (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
extensibility applicationErweiterungsanwendung (An external software application that adds a new service or feature to a program or environment)
Extensible Application Markup LanguageeXtensible Application Markup Language (An XML-based language used to represent a tree of objects. Events generated by these objects can be handled using any .NET programming language)
federated applicationVerbundanwendung (A Web-based application that is AD FS-enabled, meaning that it can be accessed by federated users)
front-end/back-end applicationFront-End-/Back-End-Anwendung (" An application consisting of a "back-end" database file that contains tables, and copies of a "front-end" database file that contain all other database objects with links to the back-end tables.")
Generic Applicationallgemeine Anwendung (A resource type in a failover cluster or server cluster that supports an application that was not originally designed to run on a cluster)
generic applicationgenerische Anwendung (A user-defined application that supports user definable settings only)
Generic Security Services Application Programming Interfacegenerische Sicherheitsdienste-API (A generic API for performing client-server authentication that can be implemented over any authentication system. GSS-API makes it possible for applications to use the same API with different authentication mechanisms)
helper applicationHilfsprogramm (An application intended to be launched by a Web browser when the browser downloads a file that it is not able to process itself. Examples of helper applications are sound and movie players. Helper applications generally must be obtained and installed by users; they usually are not included in the browser itself)
host applicationHostanwendung (An application that has some sort of customization, such as an application-level add-in or a document-level customization, for which the application acts as a host)
Internet Server Application Programming InterfaceInternetserver-API (An application programming interface (API) that resides on a server computer for initiating software services tuned for Windows operating systems. In Microsoft Provisioning System, ISAPI resides on the Web server)
legacy applicationältere Anwendung (When used in the context of the User Account Control (UAC) infrastructure, an application that does not have an application manifest that indicates whether or not an administrative privilege is required for the application to run properly)
line-of-business applicationBranchenanwendung (An application that is vital to running enterprises, such as payroll, resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting)
management applicationManagementanwendung (An application or Windows 2000/Windows NT service that uses information originating from one or more managed objects in a managed environment. Management applications retrieve this information through calls to the CIM Object Manager API from the CIM Object Manager and from providers)
manual style application modemanuelle Anwendung von Formatvorlagen (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be not be used, but rather the styles defined in the Manage Styles task pane for the entire page or for individual items on a page will need to be applied by the user. The style application mode can also be set to auto)
Microsoft Application Virtualization platformMicrosoft Application Virtualization-Plattform (Name for the Microsoft products that are used to create, store, distribute, and run virtualized applications)
Microsoft Online Services Sign In ApplicationMicrosoft Online Services-Anmeldung (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Microsoft Rights Management sharing applicationMicrosoft Rights Management-Freigabeanwendung (The application that permits consumption and creation of RMS-protected content on PCs or mobile devices)
multithreaded server applicationMultithread-Serveranwendung (An application that creates multiple threads within a single process to service multiple user requests at the same time)
OOBE applicationAnwendung für den Eindruck beim ersten Ausführen (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
out-of-box experience applicationAnwendung für den Eindruck beim ersten Ausführen (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
PerformancePoint Service application proxyAnwendungsproxy für PerformancePoint-Dienst (The PerformancePoint Web Front End (WFE) service interface. It abstracts the communication layer between WFE components and the service application)
PowerPivot service applicationPowerPivot-Dienstanwendung (A specific configuration of the PowerPivot service)
rapid application developmentschnelle Anwendungsentwicklung (A method of building computer systems in which the system is programmed and implemented in segments, rather than waiting until the entire project is completed for implementation. Developed by programmer James Martin, RAD uses such tools as CASE and visual programming)
re-applicationerneuter Ausgleich (The removal of an item application between two item ledger entries (specifically, between an inventory increase and an inventory decrease) and the creation of a new application for those item ledger entries to other entries)
relying party applicationAnwendung der vertrauenden Seite (An application, Web site, or service that relies on claims)
rich Internet applicationRich Internet Application (A web application that provides a user interface which is more similar to a desktop application than typical web pages. It is able to process user actions without posting the whole web page to a web server)
root application systemStammanwendungssystem (The top-level application system for which you are defining and evaluating deployment. The System View window displays all applications in the system, including the full expansion of all systems in the root system)
RunOnce applicationRunOnce-Anwendung (An application that is configured to run the next time the computer is restarted. The application does not run after any subsequent reboots of the system)
sample applicationBeispielanwendung (End-to-end, compilable application that uses many technologies and is designed as teaching sample or commercial utility for which the code is made available for learning and re-use)
sandboxed applicationSandkastenanwendung (In Silverlight, an in-browser application or an out-of-browser application that has not been granted elevated trust)
seamless applicationSeamless-Anwendung (A software program published over Remote Desktop Protocol that allows users to connect directly to the program rather than the entire desktop and use the program exactly the same way as locally installed software)
sequenced applicationsequenzierte Anwendung (An application that has been monitored by the Sequencer, broken up into primary and secondary feature blocks, can be streamed to a computer running the Microsoft Application Virtualization Terminal Services Client or the Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client, and can run inside of its own virtual environment)
sequenced application packagesequenziertes Anwendungspaket (The files that comprise a virtual application and allow a virtual application to run. These files are created after sequencing and specifically include .osd, .sft, .sprj, and .ico files)
server applicationServeranwendung (Application software running on a cluster node, regardless of whether it does service registration)
service applicationDienstanwendung (A background application that runs without any user interface components (such as windows) and that supports another application that is displaying on the screen)
Silverlight business applicationSilverlight-Geschäftsanwendung (A template that provides many common features for building a business application with a Silverlight client. It utilizes WCF RIA Services for authentication and registration services)
SmartScreen Application ReputationSmartScreen-Anwendungszuverlässigkeit (A rating of how safe an app is determined to be by SmartScreen, according to age, presence of digital certificate, and other criteria)
SQL Server data-tier application projectDatenebenenanwendungsprojekt für SQL Server (A Visual Studio project used by database developers to create and develop a DAC. DAC projects get full support from Visual Studio and VSTS source code control, versioning, and development project management)
SQL Server Store for Office ApplicationsSQL Server Store für Office-Anwendungen (A SQL Server feature that enables storage of data from an Office application on a SQL server)
standard applicationStandardanwendung (An application on a Surface unit that appears in Launcher. Standard applications contrast to attract applications (although an application can be both an attract application and a standard application). Microsoft produces several standard applications for Surface, including Concierge, Music, and Photos)
Start Application Sharing or WhiteboardAnwendungsfreigabe oder Whiteboard starten (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
Subsystem for UNIX-Based ApplicationsSubsystem für UNIX-basierte Anwendungen (A Windows component that provides platform services for UNIX system-based applications)
synchronization applicationSynchronisierungsanwendung (A software component, such as a personal information manager or music database, that hosts a synchronization session and invokes synchronization providers to synchronize disparate data stores)
System ApplicationsSystemanwendungen (" A tab in the Windows Server "Centro" Administration Console that provides access to plug-ins for managing third-party applications.")
Systems Application ArchitectureSystemanwendungsarchitektur (An IBM-developed standard for the appearance and operation of application software that will give programs written for all IBM computers--mainframe computers, minicomputers, and personal computers--a similar look and feel. SAA defines how an application interfaces with both the user and the supporting operating system. True SAA-compliant applications are compatible at the source level (before being compiled) with any SAA-compliant operating system--provided the system is capable of furnishing all the services required by the application)
Target ApplicationZielanwendung (An item stored in the Secure Store Service that maps users or groups to credentials needed to access external data or other resources)
tray applicationAnwendung im Infobereich (An application that generally runs in the background and whose icon is placed in the notification area (ex-system tray))
trusted applicationvertrauenswürdige Anwendung (In Silverlight, an out-of-browser application to which a user grants elevated trust upon installation, providing greater access to the local system)
unbound applicationungebundene Anwendung (An application in the system that is not yet bound to a logical server on the deployment diagram)
virtual applicationvirtuelle Anwendung (An application packaged by the Sequencer to run in a self-contained, virtual environment. The virtual environment contains the information necessary to run the application on the client without installing the application locally)
Visual Studio Tools for ApplicationsVisual Studio-Tools für Anwendungen (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to develop and customize applications built on the Microsoft .NET Framework)
Visual Studio Tools for ApplicationsVisual Studio Tools for Applications (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to develop and customize applications built on the Microsoft .NET Framework)
Web applicationWebanwendung (A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language)
web applicationWebanwendung (A client-server program accessed over a network that uses a web browser as the interface for the end user)
web application hybridHybridanwendung (A web application that combines functionality or data from multiple sources into a single, integrated service, application, or medium)
web application hybridMashup (A web application that combines functionality or data from multiple sources into a single, integrated service, application, or medium)
web-based applicationwebbasierte Anwendung (A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language)
web-based applicationwebbasierte Anwendung (A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language)
web-enabled applicationWebanwendung (A software program that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for its core communication protocol and that delivers Web-based information to the user in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) language)
Windows applicationWindows-Anwendung (A software application designed for use with the Microsoft Windows environment)
Windows Communication Foundation application serviceWindows Communication Foundation-Anwendungsdienst (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
Windows Internet application programming interfaceWindows-Internet-API (A Windows application programming interface (API) that enables applications to interact with Gopher, FTP, and HTTP protocols to access Internet resources)
Windows NT token-based applicationtokenbasierte Windows NT-Anwendung (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)
Wireless Application ProtocolWireless Application-Protokoll (A standard protocol for providing Internet communications and advanced telephony services on phones, pagers, PDAs, and other wireless terminals)
WOPI applicationWOPI-Anwendung (A web application server, such as Office Web Apps Server, that uses WOPI and WOPI conventions to integrate with a host server, and is designed to view and edit files stored by the host)