
Terminy według tematyki Microsoftu zawierające ABC | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
ABC classificationABC-классификация (A system for ranking discrete categories of items according to Pareto's 80/20 principle that states that a small percentage of items account for the largest fraction of significance)
ABC codeABC-код (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification)
ABC code carrying costABC-код (затраты на хранение)
ABC code for carrying cost classificationABC-код (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their carrying cost; затраты на хранение)
ABC code for contribution marginABC-код (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their contribution margin; маржа)
ABC code for revenueABC-код (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their revenue; выручка)
ABC code marginABC-код (маржа)
ABC code revenueABC-код (выручка)
ABC code valueABC-код (The categorization of an inventory item based on its value compared to the total inventory on hand; себестоимость)