
Terminy według tematyki Handel zawierające 方格 | wszystkie formy | tylko w podanej kolejności
为了缩小差距我方将把价格降至每公吨1,000美元To lessen the difference, we'll reduce the price to US $1,000 per M/T
买方居住地交货价格free delivery
买方居住地交货价格franco domicile
买方预料价格要下跌而停止购进Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices
价格为每吨122 美元,包括你方3%佣金The price is US $122 per M/T, your 3% commission included
价格内含你方佣金Your commission is included in the price
卖方与买方之间价格差距很大There is a wide difference between the seller's price and the buyer's
卖方价格seller's price (与买方价格 (buyer's price) 相对)
合约双方必须严格遵守条款内容The terms and conditions in the contract shall be strictly observed by both parties
如果你方价格具有竞争性,我方相信可做大量交易If your price is competitive, we trust we can do substantial business
如果你方价格适当,我方将向你方订购一大笔货物If your price is moderate, we'll place a substantial order with you
应你方要求,现寄来我方产品的目录本与价格表In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products
我们认为我方价格并不过分We don't think our prices are exaggerated
按买方价格at buyer's limit (与按卖方价格(at seller's limit) 相对)
按官方格on an official form
据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future
这一价格是我方精确核算出来的The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
这是我方可以得到的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
鉴于价格的波动,卖方暂停报盘In view of the price fluctuations, the seller withheld offers for the time being