
Terminy według tematyki Ochrona środowiska zawierające 冰山" | wszystkie formy | tylko w podanej kolejności
冰山iceberg A large mass of detached land ice floating in the sea or stranded in shallow water (飘浮在海上或搁浅在浅水中,不与陆地连结的巨大冰层。)
高山冰积洼地geographic cirque A deep steep-walled half-bowl-like recess or hollow, variously described as horseshoe- or crescent-shaped or semi-circular in plan, situated high on the side of a mountain and commonly at the head of a glacial valley and produced by the erosive activity of a mountain glacier. It often contains a small round lake, and it may or may not be occupied by ice or snow (深陡峭壁形或半钵状深凹或山谷,在图示中表示为蹄形或新月形或半环形。位于较高的山边,通常在一个冰川头部,由冰川的侵蚀活动形成。它通常包含一个小圆湖,其中有或没有冰雪。)