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Advertising Club's Hall of Fame广告名人堂
American Agricultural Editor's Association美国农业新闻编辑协会
author's alteration著者校正
Author's and Publishers' Lending Right Association〔英〕作者及出版商出租权协会
author's change著者校正
author's correction著者校正
Benson & Hedges 100s, "The disadvantages"香烟、"缺点"、Wells、Rich、Greene 广告公司、20世纪60年代 (Wells, Rich, Greene; Benson & Hedges 100s)
Budweiser, "This Bud's for you"百威啤酒、"为你准备的百威"、达美高广告公司、20世纪70年代 (D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles)
Children's Advertising Review Unit美国儿童广告审查处
Children's Book Council〔美〕儿童图书理事会
Coca-Cola, "It's the real thing"可口可乐、"真材实料"、麦肯广告公司、1970 (McCann-Erickson)
competitor's expenditure percentage method竞争者比率预算法
engraver's proof雕版印样
export-merchant's advertising出口商广告
Fabbri Editore S. P. A.〔意〕法布里出版社
finder's fee中介费
Foster Grant, "Who's that behind those Foster Grants?"太阳镜、"Foster Grants 太阳镜后面的是谁?" Geer、 Dubois 广告公司、1965 (Geer, Dubois, Foster Grant)
Greyhound, "It's such a comfort to take the bus and leave the driving to us"灰狗巴士、"只有坐车之趣、没有驾车之劳"、精信广告公司、1957 (Grey Advertising)
Hamm's beer, "From the Land Of Sky Blue Waters"哈姆啤酒、"来自天蓝色的水乡" 、Campbell-Mithun 广告公司、20世纪50年代 (Campbell—Mithun)
Her Majesty's Stationery Office〔英〕皇家出版局
Hertz, "Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat"赫兹租车公司、"让赫兹带你上路"、Norman、 Craig & Kummel 广告公司、1961 (Norman, Craig & Kummel)
IBM, Chaplin's Little Tramp characterIBM,卓别林的卑微的流浪汉角色、Lord、 Geller、 Federico、 Einstein 广告公司、1982 (Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein)
interviewer's compensation访员报酬
Ivory Soap, "99 and 44/100's Pure"宝洁象牙皂、"99.44%的纯净"、宝洁公司、1882 (Procter & Gamble Co.)
Kellogg's Rice Krispies, "Snap! Crackle! and Pop!"家乐氏西式爆米花、"咬一口、咔嚓脆"、李奥贝纳广告公司、20世纪40年代 (Leo Burnett Co.)
Levi's jeans, "501 Blues"牛仔裤、"501 型蓝色牛仔裤"、博达大桥广告公司、1984 (FCB; Levi's)
Levy's Rye Bread, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Rye Bread"面包、"不只是犹太人才喜欢莱唯斯的黑麦面包"、恒美广告公司、1949 (DDB, Levy's)
little U.S. method由全国性转向区域性媒体投放的方法
manufacturer's courtesy store制造商存货销售商店
manufacturer's export agent厂家出口代理
manufacturer's representative厂方代表
manufacturer's representative生产商销售代表
McDonald's, "You deserve a break today"麦当劳、"今天你该休息了 "、Needham、 Harper & Steers 广告公司、1971 (Needham, Harper & Steers)
McKittrick's Directory季度更新的麦克瑞克工商名录
month's supply月供量
packer's label包装标签
Polaroid, "It's so simple"宝丽来拍立得、"就是这么简单"、恒美广告公司、1977 (DDB)
potter's ware陶器
printer's error印刷错误
printer's error排版错误
publisher's interim statement出版商定期的发行量公告
publisher's representative期刊广告版面销售代表
Radio's All-Dimension Audience Research美国四大广播网的受众调查
Reagan for President, "It's morning again in America"里根竞选总统广告、"美国的又一个清晨"、周二团队、1984 (Tuesday Team)
retailer's service program批发商为零售商提供的服务方案
salesman's premium销售人员奖金
salesperson's premium销售人员奖金
sherwood Dodge's Iceberg Theory道奇冰山理论
The dress priced 8,000 dollars at first, but you can buy it with 800 dollars since it's 90% off这件裙子原价8 000美元,但你可以花800美元买下它,因为打一折
U.S. Army, "Be all that you can be"美国陆军、"尽你所能"、艾耶父子广告公司、1981 (N. W. Ayer & Son)
U.S. Forest Service, Smokey Bear "Only you can prevent forest fires"美国林业总署、护林熊"只有你能防止森林火灾"、美国广告委员会/博达大桥广告公司、1944 (Advertising Council/FCB)
U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!"美国音乐学校、"当我坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925 (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
Underwriter's Laboratories产品安全达标测试实验所
Victor Talking Machine Co.,"His master's voice"胜利唱机公司、"主人之声"、Francis Barraud 英国画家、1901 (Francis Barraud)
Wendy's, "Where's the beef?"温迪汉堡包、"牛肉在哪儿?" Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample 广告公司、1984 (Dancer Fitzgerald Sample)
women's market女性市场
women's service book女性服务手册
women's service magazine女性服务杂志
Xerox, "It's a miracle"施乐、"它是个奇迹"、Needham、Harper & Steers 广告公司、1975 (Needham, Harper & Steers)