
Terminy według tematyki Oficjalnie zawierające выступить | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
выступить с возражениямиmake objections (I make these objections with some reservation. I work at a school of architecture, and complaining about something "new," "interesting," creative" and "unprecedented" may not sit well with my colleagues and our students, who largely favour these qualities. thetyee.ca ART Vancouver)
выступить с заявлениемmake a statement (made a statement in connection with – выступил с заявлением по поводу • "In 1868, a Frenchman named Raud made a truly extraordinary statement regarding a monstrous, near-dragon-like snake seen in the California countryside, earlier in that very same year, and which was estimated to have an overall length of around forty feet." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
выступить с официальным заявлениемrelease an official statement (по поводу -- on ART Vancouver)