
Terminy zawierające in own right | wszystkie formy | tylko w podanej kolejności
makar.a peeress in her own rightженщина-пэр
posp.a peeress in her own rightпэресса в своём праве
makar.a queen in her own rightцарствующая королева
makar.a queen in her own rightкоролева по себе (в отличие от жены короля)
posp.a story in its own rightотдельная история (UniversalLove)
makar.a topic in its own rightтема, заслуживающая самостоятельного исследования
makar.a topic in its own rightтема, заслуживающая отдельного исследования
praw.act in one's own rightвыступать от своего имени (Andy)
posp.an art in its own rightотдельный жанр (diyaroschuk)
posp.an art in its own rightцелое искусство (diyaroschuk)
posp.an individual valuable in his own rightличность, значимая сама по себе (bigmaxus)
posp.be in one's own rightиметь право (на что-л.)
posp.be in one's own rightв своём праве
makar.do what is right in your own sightпоступайте так, как вы считаете правильным
posp.do what is right in your own sightделайте так, как считаете нужным
praw.entity in its own rightсубъект права, выступающий от собственного имени
lit.esteemed in one's own rightза свои собственные заслуги (Born in 1352, Akihara took quickly to his family's craft and was esteemed in his own right, especially after his father's painful death from octopus poisoning. ART Vancouver)
posp.good in its own rightхорош по-своему (fine in its own right Natasha L)
posp.in my own rightполноправный (MichaelBurov)
posp.in my own rightпо праву (MichaelBurov)
posp.in our own rightпо праву (MichaelBurov)
posp.in our own rightполноправный (MichaelBurov)
nief.in one's own rightотдельно (Vadim Rouminsky)
kontekstin one's own rightвполне себе (Напр. "weapon in its own right" – о цельностальных ножнах. Vadim Rouminsky)
kontekstin one's own rightпризнанный (Agnieszka Holland's version, a superbly crafted family film, remains a classic in its own right. ART Vancouver)
tłum.in one's own rightдобившийся своего положения без посторонней помощи, исключительно благодаря своим заслугам (преводится по контексту)
tłum.in one's own rightнезависимо от других людей или обстоятельств
kontekstin one's own rightна общих основаниях (без посторонней помощи, исключительно благодаря своим заслугам Кунделев)
nief.in one's own rightсамостоятельно (Val_Ships)
praw.in one's own rightсамостоятельно (Alexander Matytsin)
praw., dosł.in one's own rightв своём праве
praw., dosł.in one's own rightпо собственному праву
praw.in one's own rightот своего собственного имени (Leonid Dzhepko)
nief.in one's own rightв отдельности (Vadim Rouminsky)
makar.in one's own rightсамостоятельно
makar.in one's own rightсамо по себе
posp.in one's own rightдобившийся всего своим трудом (только благодаря себе, без посторонней помощи – as a result of one's own talent, qualifications, or efforts, rather than an association with someone else: She's a very wealthy woman in her own right. – Она очень состоятельная женщина, которая всего добилась своим трудом. • His parents are wealthy, but he is a millionaire in his own right. 4uzhoj)
posp.in one's own rightсам (This work, therefore, reveals that rather than being a 'satellite' to major writers, O'Shaughnessy was an innovative and dynamic poet in his own right.)
posp.in one's own rightвполне самостоятельный ("Quarrelous" isn't a misspelling of "querulous" but a word in its own right.)
posp.in one's own rightсамостоятельный (Giant rose to prominence decades ago making bikes for the iconic American brand Schwinn before gradually becoming a powerhouse in its own right. • It says something when a reviewer's style, which includes insight and depth of analysis, is so forceful it becomes a work of art in its own right. Val_Ships)
posp.in one's own rightполноценный (Though it's based on a best-selling novel, the movie is great in its own right. • It's great news for anyone who wants a cheap $50 device for streaming games to their TV, especially since the new Chromecast is a pretty good video streaming device in its own right. UniversalLove)
posp.in one's own rightи сам (The city plays such a major role in the game that it basically becomes a hero in its own right. • His presidency paved the way for hers, but she is a leader in her own right. • Her father's a well-known author, but she's an excellent writer in her own right. – ...но она и сама замечательная писательница. • Sneeden proves that it is essential for a translator of poetry to be a poet in his own right. – ...должен и сам быть поэтом. 4uzhoj)
posp.in one's own rightсам по себе (His presidency paved the way for hers, but she is a leader in her own right. • I made a little demo and I was like, "That sounds kind of cool. It's not a Styx song, but it's cool in its own right." • For some, their very existence in a world that criminalizes them is a political statement in its own right. • A skillful and engaging writer, he manages to provide efficient historical context for these local-but-global situations, each one hopelessly complex in its own right, with its own combination of factional and territorial and cultural disputes. • I wouldn't really recommend the Zephyr based on its fan alone unless you're sure it'd make a difference for you personally. Fortunately, though, it's a good gaming mouse in its own right. • As a woman of color in a white male-dominated industry, do you think owning your own platform, and asking to be paid what you're worth, directly, is revolutionary and challenging in its own right? • This report also considers in detail various subcomponents of the overall invasion plan to evaluate the likelihood that Putin might execute one or more of those components without committing to a full invasion. All these sub-components could set conditions for a full-scale invasion in the future, but each also achieves important Russian objectives in its own right.)
posp.in one's own rightиметь право (на что-л.)
bizn.legal entity in own rightюридическое лицо по праву
makar.Marie Curie was a great scientist in her own rightМария Кюри и сама была выдающимся учёным
makar.peeress in her own rightженщина-пэр
makar.peeress in her own rightженщина, имеющая титул леди не по мужу
nief.person in his own rightличность сама по себе (Val_Ships)
praw.Queen in her own rightцарствующая королева (в отличие от жены короля)
makar.queen in her own rightкоролева по себе (в отличие от жены короля)
posp.right in our own backyardпрямо у нас под носом (the treasure we seek is right in our own backyard – Сокровище, которое мы ищем, находится прямо у нас под носом Matveeva25)
praw.right in one's ownпо собственному праву
praw.rule in its own rightвынести решение в пределах предоставленной юрисдикции
praw.rule in its own rightвынести постановление, решение в пределах предоставленной юрисдикции
praw.rule in its own rightвынести постановление в пределах предоставленной юрисдикции
nauk.scientific discipline in its own rightсамостоятельная научная дисциплина (Maria Klavdieva)
praw.testify in ones own rightсвидетельствовать от своего имени
praw.testify in one's own rightсвидетельствовать от своего имени
makar.topic in its own rightтема, заслуживающая самостоятельного исследования
makar.topic in its own rightтема, заслуживающая отдельного исследования
socjol.wealthy man in his own rightсам по себе богатый человек (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
retor.wealthy man in his own rightсам по себе далеко не бедный человек (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)