
 Angielski tezaurus - terminy dodane przez użytkownika oVoD: 160  >>

13.12.2017 18:12:04 skr. Qs and As questions and answers
13.12.2017 15:12:27 skr. PSBR public sector borrowing requirements
12.12.2017 11:54:32 skr. europ. POCP proof-of-concept project
12.12.2017 11:46:43 skr. PSD project summary document
12.12.2017 10:16:50 skr. PPB project proposal brief
12.12.2017 10:11:46 skr. europ. PPS project planning and steering system
12.12.2017 10:05:51 skr. PMU project monitoring unit
12.12.2017 9:52:14 skr. PIC project information centre
12.12.2017 9:50:53 skr. PIR project implementation review
12.12.2017 9:42:12 skr. PECOS project evaluation and cost optimisation system
11.12.2017 15:18:43 skr. PERT Programme Examination and Review Technique
11.12.2017 15:18:43 skr. Programme Examination and Review Technique PERT
11.12.2017 15:13:13 skr. PV ratio profit/volume ratio
8.12.2017 12:17:13 skr. PRD previously rescheduled debt
7.12.2017 16:27:19 skr. P&A personnel & administration
7.12.2017 16:21:00 skr. PC personal communicator
6.12.2017 15:23:20 skr. OTCBB over-the-counter bulletin board
6.12.2017 14:21:34 skr. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD
5.12.2017 18:07:53 skr. OpsComSec Operations Committee Secretariat
5.12.2017 18:07:53 skr. Operations Committee Secretariat OpsComSec
3.12.2017 17:12:26 skr. IoT Internet of Things
3.12.2017 17:12:26 skr. internet of things IoT
1.12.2017 14:11:40 skr. europ. OTE on-track earnings
30.11.2017 16:57:57 skr. OLIS On Line Information System
30.11.2017 16:57:57 skr. On Line Information System OLIS
29.11.2017 10:10:08 skr. OM offering memorandum
18.09.2017 13:37:27 skr. NUSOC Nuclear Safety Operating Committee
18.09.2017 13:33:46 skr. NOW account negotiable-order-of-withdrawal account
23.08.2017 13:58:44 skr. NDA net domestic assets
27.07.2017 17:34:08 skr. MP method of payment
27.07.2017 14:17:57 europ. merchant discount rate merchantable title
27.07.2017 14:17:57 skr. europ. merchantable title merchant discount rate
25.07.2017 13:57:12 skr. LSTK lump-sum turnkey
25.07.2017 13:52:31 skr. LVIs low value items
25.07.2017 13:48:09 skr. Ldd loss during discharge
25.07.2017 10:17:41 skr. LT investment long-term investment
20.07.2017 11:52:25 skr. ltfv less than fair value
20.07.2017 11:52:25 skr. less than fair value ltfv
18.07.2017 16:41:14 skr. KSBF Kazakhstan Small Business Fund
18.07.2017 16:41:14 skr. Kazakhstan Small Business Fund KSBF
18.07.2017 10:16:46 skr. europ. JNOV judgement notwithstanding the verdict
12.07.2017 14:07:48 skr. IFT invitation for tenders
12.07.2017 11:21:52 skr. IG investment guidelines
11.07.2017 14:04:51 skr. ISA International Standards on Auditing
11.07.2017 14:04:51 skr. International Standards on Auditing ISA
11.07.2017 10:21:21 skr. International Environment Bureau IEB
11.07.2017 10:17:18 skr. INCOTERM International Commercial Terms
11.07.2017 10:14:52 skr. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ICSID
11.07.2017 10:10:25 skr. IAS International Auditing Standards
11.07.2017 10:10:25 skr. International Auditing Standards IAS
29.06.2017 10:09:38 skr. ITT Instruction To Tenderers
29.06.2017 10:09:38 skr. Instruction To Tenderers ITT
23.06.2017 10:12:17 skr. IDD phone international direct dial phone
22.06.2017 18:19:13 skr. EACEM European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers
22.06.2017 18:19:13 skr. European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers EACEM
22.06.2017 18:12:55 skr. EAC Engineering Advisory Committee
22.06.2017 18:12:55 skr. Engineering Advisory Committee EAC
22.06.2017 18:08:13 skr. EAC Electrooptical Area Correlator
22.06.2017 18:08:13 skr. Electrooptical Area Correlator EAC
22.06.2017 18:06:57 skr. EAB Extended Attribute Block
22.06.2017 18:06:57 skr. Extended Attribute Block EAB
22.06.2017 18:05:32 skr. E.A. East Africa
22.06.2017 18:05:32 skr. East Africa E.A.
21.06.2017 12:46:11 skr. GSCCS Guidelines for the Selection and Contracting of Consulting Services
21.06.2017 12:46:11 skr. Guidelines for the Selection and Contracting of Consulting Services GSCCS
15.06.2017 10:45:42 skr. GO bond general obligation bond
10.04.2017 14:24:24 skr. flc floating charge
10.04.2017 11:14:23 skr. fxc fixed charge
10.04.2017 11:14:23 skr. fixed charge fxc
13.02.2017 9:57:30 skr. ELE extra low emission
26.01.2017 12:34:09 skr. NID Notional Interest Deduction
26.01.2017 12:34:09 skr. Notional Interest Deduction NID
23.01.2017 16:51:24 skr. EYBA European Young Bar Association
23.01.2017 16:51:24 skr. European Young Bar Association EYBA
23.01.2017 16:42:17 skr. Euro-CP Eurocommercial paper
23.01.2017 16:38:16 skr. EBA Euro Banking Association
23.01.2017 16:38:16 skr. Euro Banking Association EBA
17.01.2017 14:14:40 skr. EAP Environmental Action Programme
17.01.2017 14:14:40 skr. Environmental Action Programme EAP
17.10.2016 9:38:25 skr. DROs don’t-run-outs
19.09.2016 13:32:22 skr. DA disbursement account
9.09.2016 16:41:40 skr. dd direct debiting
9.09.2016 16:41:40 skr. direct debiting dd
8.09.2016 14:24:11 skr. DI depositary institution
6.09.2016 11:05:44 skr. DROPS debt reduction operations
5.09.2016 13:47:13 skr. D/N debit note
14.07.2015 15:34:50 skr. C/N credit note
14.07.2015 15:14:56 skr. CL credit line
19.06.2015 15:31:15 skr. CTL country team leader
19.06.2015 15:12:51 skr. CIR country implementation review
10.06.2015 13:36:51 skr. Cb convertible bond
9.06.2015 14:49:47 skr. CVR contingent value right
8.06.2015 15:27:28 skr. cons note consignment note
8.06.2015 15:27:28 skr. consignment note cons note
8.06.2015 15:25:48 skr. cons consignment
8.06.2015 15:25:48 skr. consignment cons
8.06.2015 14:57:34 skr. UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
8.06.2015 14:57:34 skr. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
5.06.2015 12:44:30 skr. CTI equipment computer telephony integration equipment
5.06.2015 12:43:07 skr. CAD Consultant computer-aided design consultant

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