

link 29.05.2011 9:55 
Temat wiadomości: Коль скоро наполняемость групп причин статистически крайне низка, socjol.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести. Коль скоро наполняемость групп причин статистически крайне низка

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: Коль скоро наполняемость групп причин статистически крайне низка, анализировать отличия по городам не имеет смысла

Заранее спасибо

as the ... of the groups of factors is statistically insignificant, we see no reason to perform analysis of differences between the two cities. ???


link 29.05.2011 10:14 
Could you give a bit more background? What's this text/part of text about?


link 29.05.2011 10:20 
Along with questions about heat costs increase participants were proposed to define the most common reasons for such increase during the discussion. Table 8 shows the list of the reasons

In general, participants understand that heat cost increase is mainly objective process as energy cost increase does not depend on DH companies or on local authorities. Though, it should be mentioned, that heat cost increase isn`t always correlated with energy cost dynamics, that is why participants often bring up an issue of “heat cost equation” as they do not understand the billing process. This might be the reason for distrust to DH companies and, to some extent, to Zheks. Comprehensive awareness campaign should be conducted immediately as with further price hikes people won`t be susceptible to any arguments. Interestingly, “inflation” being one of the objective factor was given fewer points than “political racketeering”. Other factors mentioned by participants received approximately 10% or less. AS THE ... OF THE GROUPS of factors is statistically insignificant, we see no reason to perform analysis of differences between the two cities


link 29.05.2011 11:19 
Прежде всего, давайте оставим в покое statistical significance. Статистическая значимость -- это один из выводов исследования, который делается после того, как модель построена и оценена. У Вас, по контрасту, разговор идет о первичном анализе исходных данных, когда модель еще не построена. Я бы подумал о чем-то вроде "too few data points are available".


link 29.05.2011 11:39 
(Forgive me, but I've taken the liberty of slightly editing your translation. which, I hasten to add, is excellent. I'm English, by the way, so please don't think I'm being cheeky.)

In addition to questions regarding increases in heating costs, participants were asked during the discussion to say what they believed were the most common causes. Table 8 shows the list of reasons.

By and large, the participants realize that increases in heating costs are essentially part of a logical process, given that steeper energy costs do not depend on DH [Russian???]companies or on local authorities. At the same time, it is noteworthy that higher heating costs are not always tied to energy cost dynamics, which is why participants often mention the so-called “heating cost equation” - for the simple reason that they do not understand the billing process. This might explain why DH companies and, to some extent Zheks [housing and utilities offices??], tend not to be trusted. A comprehensive awareness campaign should be conducted immediately, since, when further price hikes occur, people will not be swayed by any rational argument. Interestingly, “inflation” was given fewer points than “political racketeering" as an objective factor . Other factors cited by participants received approximately 10% or less. Overall, however, given that the availability of per-factor statistics is negligible, there is little point in analyzing the differences between the two cities.


link 29.05.2011 11:51 
You can`t even imagine how grateful I am!!!

DH stands for District Heating, the abbr was used in the original document.
Zhek stands for housing and utilities office, but was also used in the original document as a realia word.

I`m graduating from the Department of Translation this year, but I feel like I don`t have real practical skills at all. though, I`ve been translating for a couple of years already, I still feel that my translations are somewhat childish and non - English.


link 29.05.2011 12:13 
No, you really are very good. I've seen thousands of translations into English by native Russians in my time and, in all honesty, you show great potential. It's a long grind but it should pay off. I suggest you get a couple of years experience then apply to an international organization like the UN, although there they'll have you translating into Russian, of course. The pay in Russia for translation tends to be abysmal, but at the UN, say, its very good. Moreover, you should be able to work from home (if that's what you prefer). One last thing, the application process can take ages, but don't let that put you off or indimidate you. After all, always remember that somebody's got to do it, so it might as well be you, if that's what you want. Many translators probably think the UN, for example, is too "high and mighty" for them and therefore never even consider it. It's not. Good luck.

 laya shkoda

link 29.05.2011 12:18 
as soon as/as long as - и я бы предпочла второе, и не лучше ли perform analysis заменить на analyze? Так лаконичней)


link 29.05.2011 12:22 
HarryWharton&Co, thanks a lot :)
and I`m Ukrainian, by the way. it doesn`t mean or change anything, but still :)

laya shkoda, спасибо :)


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