

link 20.10.2009 11:38 
Temat wiadomości: всех под одну гребенку
Прошу помощи в переводе этого выражения.

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link 20.10.2009 11:42 
treat all alike


link 20.10.2009 11:48 
может, Procrustean ways/methods подойдёт
контекст бы...


link 20.10.2009 12:17 
to tar sb./sth. with the same brush


Re: to tar the whole region with the same brush

Basically, to tar somebody or something with the same brush means to blame a group for something just because of the actions of one of them.

So, if a child at school misbehaves, the whole class gets punished.

There are subtle variations of meaning in different contexts, but that's the nub of it.

"To tar the whole region with the same brush" sounds as though somebody is judging a whole region by the attributes or activities of a small part of it.


link 20.10.2009 16:35 
one-size-fits-all approach


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