
 minsk resident

link 12.10.2009 7:58 
Temat wiadomości: sustainability
кто-нибудь знает хороший компактный перевод этого слова в этом значении?

"About sustainability

Being ‘sustainable’ means providing for peoples’ current and long-term needs, improving quality of life while ensuring a healthy and thriving natural environment. As the most high-profile event in the world, the Games give us the chance to show how changes to the way we build, live, work, do business and travel could help us to live happy and healthy lives, within our planet’s resources.

London put sustainability at the heart of its bid for the 2012 Games, framed by the concept of ‘Towards a One Planet 2012'. This was derived from the WWF/BioRegional concept of ‘One Planet Living®’ , which shows the challenges facing us in stark terms: if everybody in the world lived the same lifestyle as we do in the UK, we would need three planets’ worth of resources to support us."

большое спасибо


link 12.10.2009 8:57 


link 12.10.2009 9:55 
рациональное природопользование

 minsk resident

link 12.10.2009 12:00 
спасибо за помощь


link 13.10.2009 5:57 
устойчивое развитие
Речь не только о природе: providing for peoples’ current and long-term needs, improving quality of life while ensuring a healthy and thriving natural environment


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