

link 8.07.2008 8:05 
Temat wiadomości: option period, option notice
В статье "Перимущественное право покупки"

Контекст копирую большой не чтоб за меня перевели (как иногда думают), просто предложения длинные.

A single group of one or more of the then current Primary Members of the Club shall have a period of fifteen (15) days following the date of the posting by Owner of the Notice of Offer (the “Option Period”) to elect to purchase the Club Facilities upon the same terms and conditions set forth in the Notice of Offer (the “Right of First Refusal”).
In the event that the Member Group elects to exercise the Right of First Refusal, the Member Group must deliver a written notice (the “Option Notice”) to Owner prior to the expiration of the Option Period setting forth the following: (a) the exact structure of the legal entity (the “Purchasing Entity”) that is to purchase the Club Facilities which Purchasing Entity must be in such a form and type that the Club Facilities will be owned by the Primary Members of the Club, which determination shall be made by Owner, at Owner’s sole discretion, (b) notify Owner in writing of the Member Group’s election to exercise the Right of First Refusal and (c) sufficient proof, satisfactory to Owner, that the Member Group has the then current ability to timely perform the closing of the purchase of the Club Facilities in accordance with the Right of First Refusal.


link 8.07.2008 8:11 
имхо: option period - оферта


link 8.07.2008 8:19 
Может тогда "срок оферты"?


link 8.07.2008 8:20 
Из определений в гугле оферта это
публичное коммерческое предложение какой-либо компании к другим лицам, имеющее одинаковые условия для всех, кто решит ей воспользоваться.


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