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PPD abbr.stresses
abbr. постоянная частичная потеря трудоспособности (Permanent Partial Disabilities Aleks_Teri); глубина зубодесневого кармана – periodontal pocket depth (shergilov); послеродовая депрессия (Postpartum depression Morning93)
busin. государственно-частный диалог (public-private dialogue Hot-Ice)
chem. парафенилендиамин (Yerkwantai)
cosmet. Стойкое потемнение пигмента (Persistent Pigment Darkening, стойкое потемнение пигмента (термин La Roche-Posay) ffynnon.garw)
dentist. глубина карманов (MichaelBurov); глубина карманов при зондировании (MichaelBurov)
econ. Стоимость за единицу в день (сокр. от Price per unit per a day webber)
el. параллельная идентификация модуля памяти; содержащая идентификационные данные модуля памяти микросхема с параллельным выходом; PPD-микросхема
law, com.law досудебное разрешение уголовно-правового спора (Pre-Prosecution Diversion: Deputy district attorney Kyra Hay is the one to do so and she presents a Pre-Prosecution Diversion, which is also known as a PPD. This is a special program, where a person can plead guilty and get a chance to avoid jail time because the person has a small likelihood of re-offending. monstersandcritics.com Dominator_Salvator)
math. априорное распределение Пойа (Polya prior distribution)
med. на пациенто-день (Maxim Anokhin)
oil.proc. депрессорная присадка (pour point depressant butt)
psychol. постнатальная депрессия (Andrey Truhachev)
transp. система обнаружения присутствия пассажира (passenger presence detection Alex Lilo)
vent. ожидаемый процент неудовлетворённых степенью комфорта (Predicted Percent Dissatisfied lascar)
 English thesaurus
PPD abbr.
abbr. Pack Per Day; Permanent Psychological Damage; Posts Per Day; Predicted Percentage Of Dissatisfied; Producer Price Differential; Pilot Professional Development; Plans and Policy Directorate; Point Pleasant Depot; pour point depressant (депрессант точки текучести Кирилл Каркин); Presidential Protective Division; Psycho Physical Development; Pulse-type Phase Detector; people's proof document (документ, удостоверяющий личность seregarozhkov)
abbr., agric. purified protein derivate
abbr., auto. passenger presence detect
abbr., avia. Pulse Position Data (tannin); programming planning directives; pitch phase detector; process planning document; product protective device; programming programmed planning directives; preliminary procurements document; product program document
abbr., biol. purified protein derivative (Yerkwantai)
abbr., busin. Poly prior distribution; postage paid
abbr., chem. P-Phenylenediamine (Yuriy83); Para-phenylene-diamine (Yuriy83); paraphenylene diamine (Yerkwantai); phenyl phenylsulfonyl diimide
abbr., comp. Parallel Presence Detect (способ определения характеристик модулей памяти ОЗУ tannin)
abbr., comp., net., IT Partial Packet Discard
abbr., construct. preliminary project description (Boris54)
abbr., data.prot. Port Protection Device
abbr., dentist. probing pocket depth (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dialys. tuberculin skin test
abbr., earth.sc. program planning directive
abbr., ed. Personal And Professional Development
abbr., el. parallel poll disable; partially packet discard; particle detector for pellicle face; pellicle particle detector; pay per day; personal phone directory; polar phase discriminator; power protection device; prearranged paid deposits
abbr., file.ext. PostScript printer description file (PageMaker)
abbr., IT Periodic Points Dense; Postscript Printer Definition; PostScript Printer Description; PostScript printer description file; partial packet discard
abbr., law pre-prosecution diversion (Legolasovich)
abbr., law, copyr. published price to dealer (nerzig)
abbr., med. Purified Protein Derivative; purified protein derivative (of tuberculin); purified protein derivative of tuberculin (alia20); persistent post-traumatic distress; post-partum day; Post-Partum Depression; Postpartum Day (ННатальЯ); Per Patient Day (Maxim Anokhin); progressive perceptive deafness
abbr., mil. Program Package Document; Presidential policy directive
abbr., mil., avia. platform performance demonstration
abbr., mil., WMD projectile pull-and-drain (station); Projectile pull-and-drain machine
abbr., oil posteriori probability density; pour-point-depressant; p-phenylene diamine; primary pressure derivative
abbr., physiol. Packs Per Day
abbr., physiol., med. Packs per day; Permanent Partial Disability; Post Partum Depression
abbr., polym. piperidine pentamethylene dithiocarbamate
abbr., psychiat. Paranoid Personality Disorder (F60.0 по МКБ-10 Acruxia)
abbr., qual.cont. Polya prior distribution
abbr., scottish Proximity / Point Detonating
abbr., space payload position data; plane position display
abbr., sport. Percentage Points Deducted
abbr., st.exch. Pre- Paid Legal Services, Inc.
abbr., tech. permanent partial disability
abbr., tradem. Production Planning Department; Professional Products Division; Promotional Products Distributor
abbr., transp. peak period day (Boris54)
energ.ind. preliminary project documentation; pressure pulsation detector
mil. personnel planning data; personnel priority designator; personnel procurement division; preliminary program description; proficiency pay designator; program planning directives; program planning document; project planning directive; provisioning parts document; provisioning procurement data
pharm. pharmaceutical product development (разработка и изучение фармацевтических препаратов (название ведущей контрактно-исследовательской организации) dimcuslongus)
tech. plasma panel display; PostScript printer description files; project-planning directive
ppd abbr.
abbr. parts per deciliter (Jespa); pounds per day; prepaid; papered
abbr., earth.sc. precipitated
PPd abbr.
abbr., econ. postpaid
Ppd abbr.
abbr., econ. post paid
ppd. abbr.
abbr., interntl.trade. prepaid
.ppd abbr.
file.ext. PostScript Printer Description (file name extension)
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Oil and gas2