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переехать vstresses
переехать к
gen. relocate (в другое место: My banking career started in December 1998 when our family relocated to Hampton and the bank had an opening for a loan processor. • When our family relocated, many other families left the church as well, and spread out over various towns in Massachusetts. • British embassy to relocate to Lviv 'temporarily' Phyloneer); override; remove; move about; come over; cross over; run down; run over (example provided by ART Vancouver: с использованием тр­анспортного средства­ или строительной те­хники, напр.:: used a­ skid-steer loader t­o destroy the posses­sions of a homeless ­couple, knocking one­ of them unconscious­ as he ran over thei­r belongings (bc.ctv­news.ca)); run down (кого-либо); change address; shift; move (to another residence); ferry; pass; settle in; move home (bookworm); make a move (to – в: I sold the house in 2012 when I had planned to make a move to Manitoba. ART Vancouver); put over; cross; change one's address; move away; move down (В значении переехать жить куда-либо: So, you think we should move down to the village? • I want to move down to Florida. TranslationHelp)
Gruzovik cross
fig., inf. turn (to)
Gruzovik, fig. turn to (pf of переезжать)
Gruzovik, inf. knock down (pf of переезжать)
inet. migrate (о сайте; пример – STOCK.com has been migrated to TRADE.com (источник – stock.com dimock)
inf. emigrate; knock down; run someone over (пешехода, животное и т. д. машиной В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. move around; move to some place (куда-либо)
Makarov., inf. knock down (задавить)
: 119 phrases in 10 subjects
Figure of speech1
Hotel industry1
Humorous / Jocular1
Real estate2